Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: A news site where you can…,

    Thanks Matthew -- good points. I'll ask Tom Cotter today about how the new site meets the government web guidelines.

    The Radio New Zealand site has demonstrated that you can run an attractive site while still making it as accessible as possible.

    The designers at AIM proximity come highly touted, and the site was also assessed by Optimum Usability, so you'd hope there's an answer to the question.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Busytown: It's like a jungle sometimes,

    But... it is hard to let go and let our little ones do dangerous things. Nevertheless, they do it, which is why we frequently find them about 6m up a tree in our back yard.

    I don't have the power-to-weight ratio for climbing any more (obviously) but I'm told I was climbing boldly from about as soon as I could walk. I recall my poor father having to rescue me after I'd got stuck in a high tree at a grown-ups party, but I think I negotiated trickier situations without my parents knowing.

    Even as a teenager, I climbed up the outside of buildings at Canterbury university with my mates. Thinking about the consequences of a slip makes me shudder now.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Random Play: Following The Songlines,

    Then he made some aspersion along the lines of me not ever knowing much about good music and going to Kylie just proved it.

    What a dick. (a) how rude, and (b) people who can't love pop music are sad.

    It did set me wondering about what kind of music is is okay to judge people on.

    I'm thinking, bogus ballad rock: if you went out of your way to attend a concert by, say, Nickelback, then maybe I would be having my doubts about you ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Birth of the Nasty,

    The money quote is here, from Nov 25

    National's spokesperson for labour and industrial relations Kate Wilkinson told the Herald on Sunday the new government has not set a time-frame for rolling out the policy as it is not part of Key's 100-day plan, but she hopes businesses will get some indication once the parliamentary roles have been announced.

    And three weeks later:

    Prime Minister John Key today confirmed his plans to pass the controversial legislation - which will give businesses with fewer than 20 employees the right to instantly sack new staff - through all its stages before Christmas.

    The surprise move to pass the law under urgency will mean the public and groups such as unions won't have an opportunity to make submissions on the bill.

    The first broken promise was shelving the ERA, but at least they could blame Act for that. This is very poor.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Birth of the Nasty,

    Or better, if you can combine it all into one sensational story: "Britney murdered over drunk kitten escapade!"

    You'll never get that in the Herald on Sunday. Where's the property angle?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Birth of the Nasty,

    I think Russell's point was not to get over it or not, but to point out that the author of the article managed to stretch back a whole 24 years, but apparently had no memory of 25 years ago.


    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Birth of the Nasty,

    I don't want to be rude, but I have to ask: If you guys don't like 'Granny herald', how about not linking to its articles?

    I don't hate the Herald at all, still less its website. And I've been grumpy when the Herald website has quoted Public Address without a link back. There aren't many people I won't link to.

    But mostly, psychoanalysing the Herald's editorial voice is something of a hobby. I've been enjoying the practice for years.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Random Play: Following The Songlines,

    Then on Thursday I am on National Radio: Concert’s Upbeat programme talking about Leonard Cohen’s most recent (2004) album because in my experience very few people have any idea what he sounds like these days. (There’s a show I’d like to see, but cannot afford the whopping ticket price).

    Quite. I get the feeling that the Vector Arena has helped inflate ticket prices.

    Although I'm all in favour of the campaign to get Leonard to agree to an interview with Kim Hill.

    Kim explains it here.

    It's also a Facebook event, pop kids!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Birth of the Nasty,

    And Russell the "honeymmon" is called that for a reason...not much news actually but it would be nice if some with a left leaning just got used to the fact that national won...get your head around that and then start pointing out their mistakes.

    Eh? Where's the part where I didn't acknowledge that National won? I'm pretty sure I've said repeatedly that Key has performed well. My point was merely that both the laudatory articles and the Standardistas' sniping are essentially marking time.

    But I have been struck by the persistent anger of the winning side's supporters since the election. Some of the Act people have seemed angrier than when they were out in the cold. It will be interesting to see when the Herald's editorial voice gets over it too.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Total Attitude,

    Completely apropos of nothing... why is it so quiet this morning? Did everyone posting from work get found out and fired?

    Well, usually, y'all have me firing out some starters for 10 ..

    But for the next little while, Media7 is being recorded on Monday mornings as part of our summer season.

    The Monday thing must have seemed like a good idea at the time, but it really was a bit of a chore getting out of the house today. I'm surprised that the whole "going to work on Monday morning" thing is so popular, frankly.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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