Posts by Sacha
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Meta-science though?
Dude, ask yourself why chicks watch Grey's Anatomy.
For medical tips? After a marathon catchup, it seems some on this thread might regard that as the only legitimate enjoyment.
Geez. Beauty and fun are OK, and art does change things. Wasn't it Bill Hicks or George Carlin who did that routine about who gets rounded up first after the revolution? I'd pick the film-makers over the accountants.
Were they "scientific" papers or political/sociological ones? Danielle?
but what is it with this BSG lovefest?
Hotties! <ducks>
the album may yet return in some kind of form in the future
I'd be interested if anyone has links about the way playlists fit culturally now, as I suspect the album also embodies commercial factors that won't apply again with different distribution arrangements and cost structures.
Ta, Giovanni. Interesting link. Sometimes doesn't take account of the really big shifts (dude needs some Shirky), but is coherent and the linked non-washer-upper article is good too.
Like our Dunners brethren, I suspect it's the evil veges.
Still audio, innit..
Chortle :)
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