Posts by Sacha
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demanding to know if he's a 'stealth muslim'
Anyone else hear Jon Stewart's Bush voice with them air quotes?
Brian Edwards and Paul Norris are considered authorities to be ignored in some circles
I found the guy from Unitec quite impressive, myself. The Minister I guess has authority because, well, he's the Minister. I would like to understand their positions better.
But it wasn't me who raised "authority". I'm more impressed by expertise. Anyone who has specialised for some time in a certain area is likely to know at least something about it. I don't have to agree with them, but it's certainly a consideration when I'm listening to their views. By comparison I have little respect for rank, but that's just me.
Craig, I was genuinely interested in your opinion about what might have prompted their disagreement with the Minister whose position I have no particular disagreement with. Now, not so much. Calm down.
Ah, so three broadcasting specialists don't have any authority. Strange universe you inhabit there, Craig.
To me, Q&A seemed a bit less free - but that may have reflected the personality of its hyper new host who I found as always reminiscent of a yappy terrier. Holmes also seemed fairly biased towards the right (especially his cowardly aside about Andrew Little and the EPMU) and I don't imagine that bodes well for broadly informed discussion if it continues. Panel were useful and the show still provides more time for whole thoughts than any other outlet on our telly.
To be fair, Key did not seem abashed to be discussing the insulation scheme on Q&A this morning. Russell Norman in the panel said he didn't mind whether they called it "Green homes" or "Blue homes" or whatever, as long as it got done. We'll see.
Love to hear a "more market" solution to either of those.
Allowing sugary drinks with no nutritional value to be widely sold to children makes as much sense as cigarettes being legal.
Why do you think they responded to the Minister's argument that way?
Way to sidestep the main question, Craig.
Why, I reckon the only people we should be listening to are record company execs - just like we should have consulted only blacksmiths about whether horses should be replaced with cars. Anyone who diisagrees must be mad, mad I tell you.
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