Posts by Sacha
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Probably, but I couldn't resist. :)
It promoted the concept of "album" as something more than a just a collection of singles
Agreed. Music being marketed and consumed as singles, then albums, then singles with playlists are important shifts with their own commercial and social dynamics.
Please explain how this viewing matter differs in fantastical content?
One has a moral core..
If I'd paid attention to Battlestar Galactica I might know what the hell you guys are on about
As an intermittent viewer, I can relate. Salon has a useful condensed explanation of the series as well as discussion of the final episode in other articles. Spoilers all, of course, and you'll need to get through an advert to the material (click on the tiny "Enter Salon" at your top right).
Can't vouch for the relative quality of their analysis given my non-fanboi status. I am given to understand that the whole story is Mormon its its origins, although the themes tackled are broader and more topical. And it has some saucy talent including Kracklite's ex-accountant.
Damian, I believe you're being called a friend o the tories (comment#1).
Or complain that people just didn't blow hard enough to keep the bubble expanding..
Cut back, baby
Did anyone else get the Austin Powers accent that time? (I swear there's audio creeping into PAS these days)
At the risk of this becoming yet another copyright thread
Called "Problems"? No thanks.
Sorry if this sounds like hectoring.
It kind of does, Dyan, even though I accept that's not your intent.
Knowledge is not black or white - except where science is unable to resist making it so. I respect that having a clinically relevant opinion requires certain training - but there are other perspectives which provide relevance.
From cultural studies or feminist angles, the word "estrogen" means something beyond clinical or scientific considerations. The folks here bring depths of expertise in many different fields. The cross-pollination can be delightful as well as fractious at times.
Simon Power media release:
While the government remains intent on tackling this problem, the legislation itself needs to be re-examined and reworked to address concerns held by stakeholders and the government.
Ralston on the demise of Te Charter, including:
Take, for example, the Sunday morning current affairs show Agenda. That was produced by an independent production company on contract to TVNZ using charter funding and cost around $25,600 an episode. TVNZ decided to make the show in-house itself, scrapped Agenda and relaunched Q&A with Paul Holmes instead.
Q&A appears to be costing $27,200 an episode, even though it employs fewer people and has a cheaper format with no taped items.
A cynic might suggest TVNZ decided to make Q&A itself so that it could hang on to more of the charter money by eliminating the private production company's profit margin and cranking up the cost of the show so as to put more of the government's cash back on to TVNZ's bottom line.
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