Posts by Sacha
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The Harold has reservations about te bikepath, it seems:
But we should not build a cycleway for the sake of doing so. Let's choose the parts of the country - most in hard-pressed provincial areas - that would be attractive to cycle through or across, and build cycleways there. A concrete path the length of the country is a daft idea.
I'm not a fan of blue, so the mildness is proably a large part of Kikorangi's appeal for me. Goes damn well with roasted almonds, figs, etc, too.
Speaking of Kindle, here's one way to "adapt" to the market:
Amazon's Kindle iPhone app is now available for free download.
Amazon's long-term goal isn't just to sell Kindle devices, but to become the dominant e-book platform the way it's become the dominant online bookstore. -
And I do apologise for my tone last night. Thank you for responding graciously this morning.
Sorry, got to duck out so don't want to get into anything detailed.
Accounting for cultural value is part of what's currently broken with copyright - let's fix it.
I agree it is wrong to misrepresent what the man said.
someone elses idea
Not even a Kiwi, wasn't it?
Seriously? How so?
I'm not even going there.
You talk as if the point of a book was in the physical carrier, and not in the words.
I was talking about the economic point, not the cultural meaning. As you've no doubt gathered I'm usually more interested in the latter, but copyright does seem to be primarily about sociotechnical and economic forces than cultural ones.
the question seems to be how do we look after the poor victimised society. Society - and its habitual copyright infringers - are actually fine. You're on the side of the winners.
The current winners here are surely copyright owners, not creators or society.
The big deal is that there's a generation which is growing up in an environment where you no longer have to pay for music
I agree that is a problem. I believe that society loses if good creative people can't make a living creating, and so we need new arrangements to fix that.
The broader changes are not innately good, but they are so large and irrevocable that our choice is about how we handle them, not whether they happen. That's where I agree with Mark's position, and I can understand given his past professional involvement why it seems more compelling to him than to some of us.
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