Posts by Sacha
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I'll have further comments to present from Smith soon.
Rob, Campbell Smith has been shooting his mouth off enough that I don't think we need you as a go-between. I'm sure he's welcome to come along and argue his side like anyone else.
Their Kikorangi blue brie is meant to be good on world terms, but I'm no cheesemeister.
Let's not forget that the cycleway concept didn't even come from the discussions at the Job Summit - but from Key's back pocket. Are the other ideas on the day really the best we could do as a nation?
I'll buy that for a dollar! :)
How 'bout twelve Bloody Marys?
At ten in the morning? I want the Fridays you're having..
When everybody copies everyday, it's a cultural change
It's Lessig's key point again isn't it? Every single thing we do online involves copying. Every pageview is a copy - which leaves behind an undiminished potential to serve other perfect copies.
Our offline world is just not like that. This is a fundamental change and so the traditional references available to illustrate our discussions tend to be magical folk tales.
Thanks, Bruce. That's a good introduction to some key TCF draft code submissions. I agree with Mr Farrar's conclusion:
When the former Chair of the Copyright Tribunal, the Auckland District Law Society and the country’s largest university says the law needs to repealed or amended, it is time to do so.
and I agree this submission is significant:
in Google’s experience, there are serious issues regarding the improper use and inaccuracy of copyright notices by rights holders. In this context, the responsibility should not fall to ISPs to determine cases of infringement.
Yes, that Google.
So who on earth is advising Simon Power that anything will come of the Code negotiations now that Telstra has vetoed them?
Rod Deane was there for a long time, was he not?
Chickens - got to keep the noise control officers busy somehow..
And "progress" means our beaches now have the pollution..
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