Posts by Sacha
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The law encodes economic assumptions that no longer match what the technology delivers - notably scarcity and costly production and distribution barriers.
If copyright law assumed we all hand-wrote manuscripts, then introducing the printing press would have had a similarly disruptive effect. And it did.
For more on the implications and scope of the current digital change, Negroponte or Shirky are an easy place to start reading. There are many more that others here can no doubt recommend.
We had Social services and Doctors conventions cancelled whilst a job summit deemed worthy
Remember, Key almost cancelled it. :)
Sorry, just re-read and I think you were talking about people after the day being able to agree - and you're right.
Ben, as far as I know there was no "agreeing" on that idea. It was just introduced into proceedings at the end.
Doesn't say anything about the quality of the idea, but perhaps does about the lack of others that might grab the imagination.
Sofie, the cycleway isn't even on that list.
Yes it is, (9 march-link to check the ist)
In the PDF added on 9 March about which Ministers are following up which items, the cycleway is listed last under the heading "Other".
It does not appear on the Summit's "Top Twenty" list nor on any of the detailed workshop lists - because as Key admitted afterwards it came from him, not from the attendees on the day.
beer baronet, not a beer baron
A very subtle insult, perhaps..
"Clarification" does not extend to pompously declaring you'll be Smith's representative in these parts. And if you don't like the heat then start eating takeways.
Sofie, the cycleway isn't even on that list. The shared fund thingy with the banks is the third idea they highlighted, but it's not likely to be as interesting as a cycleway. Now that phrase in itself should be cause for concern..
there's absolutely nothing stopping them
Technologically, you're correct.
ridiculed for their views
And I've clearly explained above why I'm very interested in hearing Mr Smith adequately explain his position. When a lawyer shows that type of disrespect for basic legal principles then he must expect to be called on it.
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