Posts by Petra

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  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    It's not the Union Movement that created these bad economic times.

    Yup, and as the middle class finds life harder and harder, while the super rich get super richer and super richer, and underclass lives deeper and deeper in poverty...they'll start to wise up. It'll be harder to mollify the masses with trinkets and toothy grins.

    The Rich Man & The Poor Man, by Bob Miller

    There's just two kind of people, the sinner and the saint;
    There's one that gets and always got while the other poor one ain't.
    Oh, the rich man drives his Lincoln past the red light with a grin,
    And the poor man follows right behind in his little hunk of tin.
    There's a motorcycle copper following upon their trail;
    Oh, the rich man tears his ticket, but the poor man goes to jail.

    Oh, the rich man takes the high road anywhere that he may go,
    But when the poor man's travelin' he must always take the low.
    So if you're rich you'll travel snug as peas are in the pod;
    Oh, the rich man rides a cushion and the poor man rides the rods.

    Oh, the rich man when he's ailing stays at home and calls the doc,
    But the poor man has to go to work, be in time to punch a clock.
    The rich man takes his medicine, has his doctors and his nurse;
    So the rich man he gets better but the poor man he gets worse!

    Oh, the rich man steals a million from the bank that he controls,
    While the poor man steals a loaf of bread or a penny's worth of rolls.
    They take them to the courthouse, one is laughing, one's in tears;
    Oh, the rich man gets an apology while the poor man gets ten years!

    Oh, the rich man gets a lawyer and the lawyer pleads his case,
    While the poor man asks for sympathy but of that there is now trace.
    So if you're rich don't worry but the poor must give up hope;
    Oh, the rich man gets acquitted while the poor man gets the rope!

    Oh, the rich man when he kicks off has a casket made of gold,
    While the poor man has a wooden box and his grave looks mighty cold.
    The rich man gets a sermon but here's one thing that's sure,
    When the rich man takes that last long ride he's as much dead as the poor!

    You can listen to it here:

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Drinking good piss is very difficult when you have no money and it's frowned upon by some ugly people who think that low levels of income should somehow manifest a somewhat saintly life.

    Yup. Thank goodness for cheap crack*!

    *just kidding! I hate crack. Much prefer huffing. :p

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Jeremy, I actually think there'll be a revolution (not unlike the French Revolution, only totally different) in about 3 or 4 generations time. Hell, maybe even 2. I haven't formulated a coherent theory on this yet (can you tell?) - I just feel it in me water, so to speak.

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    The People's Wine is deepest red!
    When drunk it goes straight to the head...

    A whiter wine is oh so fine
    for weaker libs as they opine...

    But best of all is a rosé
    for those who can't choose either way

    And if you're in the upper class
    let French Champagne spill from your glass

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Ha! I love that song!

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Sorry! I have an Italian friend who always says "Brava!" when I show him any photos I might feel proud of. I didn't even think it might be gender specific. lol

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Hey, thanks, Rich. I appreciate that. And I also apologise for implying you were, y'know, one o'them.

    It's been a pretty heated situation for many these past few weeks, and passions have been high. Which can be a very positive thing as it shakes people out of apathy, but can also come with misdirected accusations and vituperation. Good to know we're moving past that.


    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    The People's Wine is deepest red!
    When drunk it goes straight to the head...

    A whiter wine is oh so fine
    for weaker libs as they opine...

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Pinot Gris, surely. The other stuff is red!

    Que Syrah Syrah...

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Also, I had to look up mansplain. Yay! A new, cool word. :)

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

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