Posts by Petra

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  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    I'm pleased Goff stayed out of it. What could he have done, anyway, except to add to the perception that we are now a high risk place to make films? All he could have possibly done was make it worse. Keeping schtumm was a good move.

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    it was in the studios interest to feed that fire,

    I'm not convinced by that. In the endgame, yes. But in the beginning? I doubt it. For every day lost on actually making the picture, they were losing big bucks.

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    oh, nm. Not worth it.

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    ...corporatistic dystopia. I mean, have you tried calling your bank or power company recently?

    Ahh, yes. The result of that 80's corporate mantra, "lean and mean". An awful corporate culture meme if there ever was one. Fuckers.

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    You sure do have a wonderful culture here at PAS, Russell. Kudos to you, and to your esteemed commenters. I, for one, have learned a lot - and look forward to learning more.

    So, thank you. :)

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    rodgerd, that's true enough, I agree. Big or small, you just get around the inhumanity of some humans.

    My own anecdata is somewhat similar to yours. Worked for a small flower shop in Double Bay, and the boss's wife was such a bitch, I ended up walking out her on during Valentine's Day trading. (Though I'd been wanting to punch her mouthy gob for months beforehand). Worked for WEA Records in Sydney in the 80's and walked out when an incompetent arselicking male employee got a promotion and payrise over me - even though I performed way better than he did for a longer period of time and was more of a team player. They were quite happy to use my ideas, but the credit always went to the boy dumbass. In the end I told the boss that he was nothing more than support system for a penis and walked out on him and into a role at Festival instead. Got many stories like that.

    One of my best employers was an Arab duo in Tel Aviv that ran a very cool performance cafe. They paid me well (and on time, a rarity in Israel), treated me with respect and kindness, and I felt valued. Great guys.

    Also worked casually for GTV and Dove Video a few years back - the boss was also awesome. During down periods, he'd shut up shop and take his staff out to the Luge or indoor cart racing or something fun, and he often put on barbecues at his place at Mt. Tarawera for us, including boat trips across to the hot springs and stuff. We felt valued and so we worked hard for him.

    But why I'd like to see small local business thrive is more for the benefit of local economies. Dunno if you've been to Rotorua in the last few years, but The Warehouse et al have gutted this town. So many empty shops in the CBD it's heartbreaking. Local biz just can't compete.

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Hey we humans have been doing this shit [bartering, doing deals] for millenia cant change now, its in our DNA.

    And the alternative is..?

    Personally, I'd like to see The Warehouse, Rebel Sport, Briscoes, McDonalds, etc, fuck off and die. I'd love to see small businesses thrive in local communities like they used to. And those small businesses will still need to do deals...the baker needs to get the best deal he can in flour, the dressmaker needs to get the best deal he can on fabric, the grocer needs to get the best deal he can on fresh produce...

    I also think there needs to be much more transparency in many business (esp corporate) dealings. That's why I'd like to see NZ publish a register of lobbyists, for example.

    The consumer should be protected, as should the environment.

    I'm also mad that the government sold the people of NZ's assests. They should have stayed in public hands so the profits could better benefit us all.

    I think Eric Watson et al should be in jail.

    But I digress...what's the alternative to business? Where would we be without it, do you think?

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    - Caused anti-union demos on Labour Day.

    They were not anti-union rallies.

    weak soft socialists

    The countries that rate highest highest on "happiness" and "prosperity" and "great places to live" ranking thingies, are those that have a good, balanced mix of socialism and capitalism. Now why is that, I wonder?

    I am proud to call myself a "weak, soft socialist". But then I'm not a screaming left/right ideologue; one eyed and bitter. I'd like to think I'm more pragmatic than that. Besides, hardline ideologues tend to be too authoritarian for my tastes.

    The winter's passed,
    The summer's here.
    For this we thank
    Our party dear!

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    Lovely to see the middle class...

    Hey! I take offence to that. I'm not "middle class" *sniff*, I'm filthy dirty rich!

    (Well, I am in spirit, anyway.)

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    ..put a digital lid on it, and viola!
    ...fiddling about in the cellos...
    I plead the fifth!

    lol. You have an eagle eye, Mr. Dalziel.

    And I must go back to schoolroom basics: o before i, except in an orchestra. :)

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

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