Posts by Danielle
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people repping themselves so much that you can almost guarantee you know what and how they are going to say things before they do.
I believe that's generally known as 'having a recognisable personality' and/or 'not being disingenuous for the sake of it'.
Well, PAS is three years old now. I suppose it's about time for The Influx of Whiny Martyrs.
Women make up around half the population, and are more likely to be Labour voters than men. Talk about pissing off your base.
Ah, but he's not talking about *women*. He's talking about *feminists*. Damn their eyes.
I mean, I'm sure he'd be stoked if we just shut up and brought round the tea and the wine biscuits. (Not Superwines, mind. That would be too effete.)
some ne'er-do-well posting facts about Italian political history
I suggest that from now on, we take a cue from Chris Trotter and refer to that ne'er-do-well as "Giovanni", with quotes. (What kind of a damn furriner name is that, anyway?)
"I think you've ripped my penis open".
Did he mean... with your teeth? Or with your ladybits?
I guess any hope that denial types will give credence to any source which is actually reliable, even the most well-recognised bodies like IPCC, or NASA is probably in vain anyway.
I have a Very Republican Cousin in the USA who forwards me thousands of ridiculous emails containing the talking points of the week - all the Obama birther conspiracy theories, yadda yadda, you know the drill. I'll always Snopes him, and he got so annoyed by this that he actually tried to argue that Snopes was founded to 'make money' and so it therefore had a 'secret agenda' to be pro-liberal. Or something.
In other words, my theory is that you won't be thanked for showing denial types anything which uses Actual Facts to construct Actual Arguments. Most people really resent it, but I can't work out quite why...
Jack, your post is pure hilarity. Yay!
I once performed an 'indecent act', as Jack puts it, on a straight man in the unisex toilets of a massive Studio-54-esque gay bar in Dallas, Texas, while annoyed (and kinda clichedly fabulous) patrons - many of them in drag - snarked loudly and banged impatiently on the semi-transparent cubicle glass doors. It was not exactly the most relaxing sexual encounter of either of our lives. But... needs must!
And how do you counter it?
Metafilter linked to this recently, which might help.
I gave a guy a handjob once and then found out he was a member of the Young Nats.
This should win the 'most perfect sordid story in one sentence' award, I think.
How sordid are we talking? Sordid enough so that a silence falls upon the room, and people rapidly change the subject? Or more like 'uproarious-laughter-inspiring'?