Posts by Sacha
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I seem to recall something many years ago about motorcycle maintenance..
I won't ask what search words got you to that site.. :)
I'd like it to be both, if that's ok.
But love is very practical.
I want what he's having. :)
Actually I can see how love might be evidence of spirituality.
And this from Jon's "how to charge" link speaks to the underlying problems with s92 and other developments being dominated by narrow interests:
there has to be much more to a pay strategy than a publisher’s desire to want to be paid.
Some good critique of the saddlery analogy, thanks. I guess the first loser in the literary arena might be the bookshop, and I'm not sure there was ever that layer in the world of saddles or horseshoes was there?
And let's not go the other way and confuse the interests of all the players in the process of creating and consuming entertaining literarature with those of writers.
Ben, I think music sales have increased despite DRM and not because of it. Barriers to getting music to people have fallen hugely. However as others have noted it is harder to make money from that when the economic models have not kept up and when the industry's efforts have gone into clutching their old models tight and keeping out the infidel.
Why go through the same palaver with the written word? Banning T2S is not the answer, but I guess it means people are paying attention to the questions.
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