Posts by Sacha
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Capone Taggers Inc. :)
Nice bling. Where's Islander the word-gatherer?
Back to the other topic, confirmation that Sky City has not been making more money from gambling:
Performance of the restaurants and bars is hard to quantify from interim results last week. But non-gaming revenue - including hotels and its conference centre - was the only area to grow in year-on-year figures.
Brian Rudman reminds that downturns are a chance for investment in public arts as well as built infrastructure (and laments the absence of most culture industry representatives from the recent Jobs Summit):
Mr Key might want to contemplate US President Franklin Roosevelt's Depression-busting New Deal policies of the 1930s. He set up federal employment schemes for artists, writers, actors, musicians, film-makers, photographers, dancers - you name it. More than 225,000 works of art - including public murals, films and photographic records of the decade - were created.
And who said you'd steal Rand - though that might seem a fair exchange of value.
I actually do carry a digital orrery around
Perfect - so does it pull the chicks?
I'd love to see you carrying an orrery around.
We're all stuffed - I saw it in the Harold..
And not using hands?
Heh. Try putting Atlas Shrugged on there and impress a certain class of bitter blonde..
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