Posts by Sacha
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Manufacturing consent has its limits..
Sofie, earlier in my life I have been a proud third-generation professional toilet cleaner. I believe that giving your best to whatever you do in life is important, and while aristocrats have their place it is not as special as we are expected to agree it is. Funnily enough, they seldom agree..
It's more that yes 99% of your "product" will be nicked online, but the other 1% is still more profitable to the creator than the 10% cut of the 90% of sales minus shrinkage under the old model (eg: bookstores, record shops, cinemas).
I acknowledge some consequent concerns about the effect of that taken-without-payment 99% on the long tail, but then the remix cycles are so fast that profiting from derivative works seems a better place to direct effort than trying to hold back the sea.
I want to see models developed that assure creators of a small and fair and reliable cut all the way along the chain. Surely New Zealand can be part of that? Section 92 is embarrassing.
Sounds like Buddhism and Catholicism have population increase as a common goal..
And yes the Arabic was indeed cool. :)
The newer distribution models seem to rely on profiting from a smaller slice of a much larger cake.
Waiting lists at posh pre-schools probably form part of the same function from shortly after birth.
Shorthand influenced by Steven's poesie and my lack of sleep. "Our" settler nation always had both upper and lower classes, and school cert was originally part of the sorting mechanism that streamed students into their place in life. S'all I was sayin.
They're doing it wrong?
It's called Creative Commons for a reason.
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