Posts by Sacha
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A person's imagination is fueled by the products of others and by the culture they grow into. Who "owns" that?
So Ben was the Potter pirate? :)
not many will accept a tone-deaf robot singing their favorite rock song
Actually, I agree with that too. Someone should tell Kanye.
The machine can never understand what it reads, and I think that's insurmountable until such a time as machines have feelings.
I agree - but some people would nonetheless regard the value for money proposition of free but crappy as acceptable quality. Others prefer vinyl..
...I can leave it on?
But not the packet o crisps..
Aristocrats and toilet cleaners..
Ah, the nostalgia of teaching to the test (and failing half the students)..
The quality difference in the voicing seems large, but then look how many folk regard MP3 as acceptable quality for music?
And I'll take my memory pills.. :)
Lordy, you mean there's a word for that? Wonder if there's one for dressing up as a vegetable..
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