Posts by Sacha
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Make that love and sex and agreement..
DeepRed, less lucrative for them fer sure. You can selectively unblock certain sites like this one when you feel the love.
it's love and agreement all round.. :)
Had a couple of conversations over the weekend about eyeglasses being the most common assistive device (and yet they don't count to Stats NZ).
DPA was set up as a peak disability lobbying organisation in the early 1980s but I think it is fair to say has somewhat lost its way. I don't really want to get into that here - not time to do it justice and others like Martin will have informed opinions to offer.
Don't know much about emergency management/civil defence, sorry. I suspect the topic of the Foo debate might come into it..
the position that, yes, New Zealand is fucked but when hasn't it been?
Craig, that was well-represented which made the eventual vote more heartening.
when I worked for him
I was thinking of you actually, Mark, and may welcome a conversation outside here if the time becomes right.
It was just an intiial chat and introducing a pragmatic angle that I'm not sure he had heard enough of, but my expectations are not overly high. Just having access is a start for most of us.
Hi Martin. Good to see you here. I'm struck in my own life by the Catch 22 of needing resources (including energy and hope) to get access to resources for change, so I agree it is a fundamental factor. Maslow is relevant, but so is academic knowledge that I salute you for dedicating yourself to creating and teaching for decades.
Between us all, we already have what we need for strong unified leadership - but for instance it is going to take more than a single focus on "human rights" approaches to engage the current government and other stakeholders whose buyin we need, let alone the vast majority of the 800,000 disabled New Zealanders who deserve more from all of us.
As you know I put rather a lot of energy into DPA a few years back but the necessary organisational shifts didn't happen and me and others withdrew our energy. It's still there for the right vehicle.
Hilary, I pushed for Prof Quinn to visit Auckland so I'll certainly be there.
Islander, I do feel blessed to have been invited this year but it seems that wide interests, conversational ability and appreciation of whisky are useful attributes so you never know. You would have contributed superbly to the copyright debate, for instance.
And to see the black gravatars you may need to force a refresh as Emma said above.
Evan, I suspect Twitter icons will make more of an impact than Gravatars but I do not know what is being done to take that into the political realm. My techno-backwardness includes not yet being a twitterer - or "twit" as my mother's partner suggested.
Great penguins, Jolisa. A dear friend who was a pastry chef made a fondant frog for the best cake I have ever eaten - and I believe it was just almonds and icing sugar ground together (plus green colouring in that case). None of that icky fake taste that usually puts me off, anyway.
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