Posts by Sacha
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Rod Oram, the human iPhone..
OK, I'll try to avoid further cryptic comments..
And David, I hope the weetbix thing went well. I'd still like to run stuff past you some time if you are able.
Sam, I was glad to see another very important sector reprensented there and frankly I would have clammed up alongside those brilliant performers myself. As I said to you, knees life of own on that very same stage. And gosh I've never seen so many iPhones in one place. I felt very backwards, although superbly well illuminated.
Hilary, we were talking more about a lack of broad strategic leadership, not just individual silos, and not dealing only with the stuff that is in front of our noses or where the interests of the "sector" happen to coincide with others. Frankly I had to agree that is thin on the ground, even though the potential is huge. I want to continue my work to bring key thinkers and do-ers together, but the perennial problem is lack of resource and often confused mandates.
"Cache" must be the word of the day. I didn't make it to the final "what to do about 92" session - was anything proposed to make the gravatar thing count beyond the geekiverse?
Hi Emma.
And Emma's gravatar is probly close enough to just leave as is.
It's OK, the phrase just jumped out when I'm used to perusing the non-creased version. At least that takes longer than the DomPost does.
cutting through hierarchies
Need sharper knives - maybe borrow Emma's new fangs. :)
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