Posts by Sacha
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instances of "IMNSHO"
Person A says (ie writes) something to person B, who interprets it as an insult, and responds 'in kind'. We end up with a full-blown barney with both sides convinced the other person started it, and they're both right.
Ta, Emma - seen it, done it. And Google says we have racked up about 400 uses of IMHO here - so on average we must be twice as opinionated as we are humble. Heh.
these things are not always necessary for understanding what someone is communicating
I'd say that depends largely on whether we are communicating about just doing stuff or about other matters like being human and the beauty of life. Or the prospect of a pub with no loo.
Ben, oral cultures develop knowledge experts, the same as written ones do - and often wrapped up in religious or leadership roles.
Storytelling is one of the technologies that enabled canoe fleets to explore the vast Pacific while our European forebears were still worried about dragons. Both cultures come together in this land, but we tend to devalue the strength of that oral heritage.
I want to hear music like that over scenes of mass low-powered commmuting in some Asian city. Heh.
Whedon about Dollhouse in Salon interview - with pop-up car advert that aint so bad.
The hog associations may fade along with the boomers who romanticise them..
I wonder if Hugh Grant has a local video store?
Giovanni has been working his way to HelenKellerish but Jolisa started it.
I mean even Brian Fallow is somewhat cynical about Roger Douglas's retreaded plans:
It sounds like the old game: privatise the gains, socialise the losses. That's pretty popular these days.
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