Posts by Sacha
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put native English speakers at a significant advantage in a globalised world
Yes, but speaking only English - like many New Zealanders - might also be a disadvantage compared with those who are able to triangulate the complex social implications from several languages/cultures.
widespread tolerance of the simpler ways of speaking as, far from being uncouth, both polite and normal
Now I'm confused - isn't this what you have been arguing against, Ben?
Ah but you can punctuate, Danielle! And who knew it was the most important talent in the whole wide world?
Yes, they're not mutually exclusive - unless you seek to universally apply rules that only work for one of them. Get it?
The two parties interpret the significance of the written word quite differently in Quebec's early meeting of cultures in the movie Black Robe - first 2 mins of this clip:
We equate information with knowledge, and clear communication with good communication. But there is another word you can apply to communication: rich. And it doesn't always go the same way as clear.
I'd go further and say communication is about understanding - and there's always more to that than mere information.
Ben, I agree with Linger that the complexity you seem determined to remove is always part of communication and cultures. I'd also suggest more care about how you use terms like "pre-historic".
Ben, I'm not getting into the finicky details here, but you seemed to have missed my point - despite their invention of the printing press our scurvy-ridden Euro forebears were still marking off scary regions on their maps while the "inferior" oral technologies of our Polynesian forebears were enabling widespread voyaging.
Sure, the respective technologies had their own pace of change and limits, but it's not a given that at every point in time writing rather than speaking stories gets better results. That's all I was saying, but it's highly relevant right now as technologies begin to allow the permanent storage and search of speech, vision and dance, not just written text.
Green Onion Slave Girl
She's the one press-ganged into serving the dip n chips at the party, right?
Dare I ask..
And only 18 IANALs, would you believe.
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