Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: Listen to the Music,

    Now, I'm happy to admit to technological shortcomings as much as the next perp but for some reason when I go to the so-called download page for this thread to get the free LEDs song, I instead get a streamed song... which is nothing like a download.

    You need to control-click (or right-click if you have a mouse) on the link and choose to download the file. Then you can drag it onto your iTunes icon.

    What you're seeing is QuickTime playing the MP3 as a movie, within Safari. I'd strongly recommend upgrading to QuickTime Pro, which will let you save all such movies, export in a variety of formats, etc.

    It's a $55 download from the Apple Store.

    You also want to get the free Flip4Mac Windows Media Components for QuickTime. Installing these should make QuickTime Player your default application for all Windows Media files (.wma, .wmv, .asx). Used in conjunction with QuickTime Pro they let you do things like saving streams.

    And, finally, another handy bunch of codecs: Perian, which adds .avi, .flv and lots more support to QuickTime.

    Russell, when you say "give away a free track" do you actually mean
    "come and have a listen to this song" (just like on any MySpace page)
    or do you mean "download this song here for free"...

    The latter!

    I don't personally care about listening to something once in a fixed location: I'd rather take it away and listen at my own leisure, with or without my computer and the interweb, you know?

    Of course, and that's very much the point of making it downloadable as an MP3. You're letting people enjoy the song the way that suits them.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Home Straight,

    That Toni Street interview embedded, for people too lazy to click links:

    I cringed so hard I needed medical attention.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Up Front: They Have the Best Rides,

    And I'm not keen on having the oddities of Grant's bronze-age philosophy become the theme of yet another thread, so yes, I'll keep an eye on it.

    Also, I now realise that Emma and Hadyn didn't get moderator privileges, which is a bit of an oversight. I'll have that fixed.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Listen to the Music,

    Katy Perry's mom isn't going to like this one bit ...

    To raise money for a breast cancer charity, she's had a cast taken of her torso (on YouTube!), which will be painted by her boyfriend then auctioned to some lucky fan.

    Seems that everyone's doing it, even the boys.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Stories: The Internet,

    Only 17 of those names are women, and six of those are politicians

    No Lin_Nah?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Up Front: They Have the Best Rides,

    What women want? What women want? What's next on my list of things to answer, 'is there a god'?

    I was enquiring after your comment upthread:

    As more women become porn consumers, more people like Candida Royale and Erika Lust are able to make their brand of 'woman friendly' pron, with plotlines and relationships and dialogue and everything.

    But now I realise you put 'woman friendly' in quotes. Which is different.

    But, in general? In 'mainstream' porn, men get their heads cropped out of the shot a lot, and become sort of disembodied penises. Pron for women certainly features a lot more shots of faces. Hence, y'know, emotion, connection...

    Whereas seeing other men's faces all screwed-up and kumfasa doesn't really do it for het men ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Listen to the Music,

    Incidentally, for no particularly reason, I dug out my copy of Dix's Stranded in Paradise recently ... you feature in a fair bit of the '70s and '80s don't you...

    Christ! Does that mean we should look out for the slightly ironic Simon Grigg revival?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Up Front: They Have the Best Rides,

    Um. I can provide a link to that trailer, but I feel weird about doing so. It IS porn, but it also clearly demonstrates the difference between 'mainstream' chicka-wah-wah porn and modern femme/indie/goth/punk porn.

    I got an angry, abusive email (to which I replied constructively) this week from a reader about me describing Steve Crow's stuff as being at the "joyless end of the form" -- and demanding to know what "joyful" porn there is.

    Well, lots of it, from what I can tell: couples sharing their stuff, I Shot Myself (which makes me think that women can take really hot pictures of themselves), good-looking twentysomething amateurs, etc, etc. And even though there's a lot of blurring at the edges with industry porn, it tends to undermine the established critiques about explicit material. Or, to be more precise, it's an area where all generalisations are perilous.

    One question, though Emma: on video, is what women want really a chick-flick with penetration? Just asking.

    Also, there was an Australian study last year that concluded that while men went to a (perhaps) surprising extent for porn featuring natural women with bumps and flaws, women who looked at porn went for the airbrushed glossy idealised style. I thought that was interesting.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Listen to the Music,

    You could do a lot worse than spend some of your free-offer 25 eMusic downloads on this album, because it's brilliant, and you'll be able to say you were totally into Deastro before he was famous.

    Oh, and of course, if you were thinking of actually signing up with eMusic, you could let your favourite blog site host put your name in through's "tell a friend" feature and earn himself some free downloads (you'd still get yours too).

    Just sayin'.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Up Front: They Have the Best Rides,

    'to mind... to my mind'? I am also rendered completely incoherent by this subject, apparently :)

    I keep having stuff to say but no time to sit down and get right ...

    Tomorrow, maybe.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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