Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Stories: The Internet,

    Your first time, your worst time, and every moment in between. To mark the publication of Connecting the Clouds, Keith Newman's new history of the New Zealand Internet, we're offering five copies of the book, heaps of Eden coffee and an internet-capable Nokia mobile phone for the best stories about you and the internet.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Trust. Us.,

    er... to quote from a recent email of mine on this topic -- which sought to answer the question "apart from PAers, who else would you find to write for such a publication"...

    It is somewhat ironic that David H has been hitting me with the good ideas by email and I've been too stretched to come up with a suitably intelligent response. This sort of discussion works better anyway ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Trust. Us.,

    I think the biggest problem would be getting the material published; newspapers and magazines may be reluctant to carry it.

    Yes, I suspect the print duopoly here would be leery of the idea -- but the Star Times does, I think, pay rather less for Nick Hager's stories than they can have cost to research, so they're privately financed in that sense.

    It would be interesting to know more about who runs the stories in the US.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    ... Jesus, Michael Joseph Savage ...

    I LOLd again.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: I've been hybridising for a…,


    Did what I wrote translate to print? Well I'll let others be the judge of that. However the piece I filed on that was one of several I wrote on the Peters' issue that day and was designed to form part of a bigger picture.

    Fair enough; that puts it in context. For me, seeing this as the intro of the afternoon lead on the Herald website ...

    The relationship between the media and New Zealand First leader Winston Peters has hit a new low.

    ... made me think for goodness sake, it's not all about you guys and your relationship with Peters.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,


    it if it isn't approved in the old testament" fundamentalistically nutty worldview

    No, Grant's a Pauline Christian. They tend to regard Jesus as a bleeding heart liberal, and the Apostle Paul as the he-man author of the faith.

    Paul was always instructing women to be subservient to their husbands, clean house and generally STFU.

    Some people have asked Did the so-called apostle paul hate girls, or was he just that ugly and stupid?

    While others just think he was totally in the closet.

    Grant offers us this on his website:


    Roses are red,
    Violets are bluish,
    If it wasn't for Paul,
    We'd all be Jewish!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    I'm pissed (and the reason I've been staying out of this is that I get very, very pissy) that nobody, on either side, appears to be interested in what the women on the bikes think. We've legalised prostitution, but not done a lot about, y'know, respecting sex workers. Treating them like individual human beings, and not extensions of Steve Crow.

    Fair point. Although the original post was about the principle of the judge's decision, rather than what the performers think. And Crow is the one talking about that.

    The more I examine my thoughts on this, the more I think I'm making aesthetic judgements. BoB = tacky and predictable commercial dodge by a known jerk. Hero Parade = grand community naughtiness after dark, with way better costumes.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    There is an audience for that sort of thing (pregnancy porn) who would probably be keen to get something unique, and the woman involved was keen.

    Pregnancy porn only involves the consenting grown-ups, though. And I don't see any real difference between a woman posing nude pregnant or not, although you could say there's a particular sexuality to pregnancy.

    Childbirth porn -- and to be honest I have no idea whether it's really even a genre or just something Crow tried to do once -- crosses a line for me though, big time.

    I just don't like Crow at all, in part because he teamed up with one of my other least favourite people, the corrosive conspiracy nut Jonathan Eisen, to make the stupid Uncensored magazine. Whose launch Crow used to try and make an issue of the fact that the chief censor and his deputy happened to be gay.

    Just your standard fucking wanker, basically.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,


    It gives me the peverse desire to get call off my engagement and become a lesbian. Just because.


    Actually, you win coffee for that. Email me with your delivery address and I'll get our army of fulfillment staff onto it.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    Our society regards racism as morally wrong and I think a pro-white skinhead march would be banned. Isn't the same principal involved?

    Actually, they did, in Wellington and Christchurch.

    And they got pwned by the counter-protesters.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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