Posts by Sacha
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I have no earthly idea what you guys are even talking about.
Standardised testing for every kiwi schoolchild, oddly enough..
Ooooh I loved those PATs.
Me too - aced them, but I remember the focused internal satisfaction of me against the test, not really to do with other people at all. And I still want to call it a PAT test, so there.
I longed to get to play with the teacher's marking sheet that fitted over the answer form too
One of the benefits of a teacher in the house was I did get to play with that kewl marking overlay. God that's geeky.
geek translator
Which is often how I described my IT work which merged client support, interface design, business analysis, testing and - snap - technical writing. After writing the manual for software used to write manuals, I figured it was time for a change.
Occasionally the quiet ones get sick of being quiet.
AS, I'm all for a bit of shoe-tossing every now and then. When there's a suitably oafish target. :)
I loved convenient timing. If only there were more of it now..
conjure excuses to be out of classes I was bored with
Managed to avoid dissecting frogs by taking photos of a conveniently timed inter-school hockey game.
"TK" - I like it, and was one too. Don't think it had any impact on my unintentional non-wagging. I really enjoyed learning and created enough latitude (art, school photographer, magazine editor, etc) to make up for the stultifying aspects, even though they seemed stupid and unfair at the time.
It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for..
People who shout are always so appealing in public. My admiration for them and agreement with their opinions only grows in proportion to both their volume and persistence.
I have nothing to add either to what Islander said so concisely about mana, or on the difference between respect and deference which seems to have found some acceptance.
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