Posts by Sacha
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something we can agree on. :)
I encourage you to think of "mana" and how someone gets it.
Mark, it's two quite different concepts being labelled with the same name. Just look at the difference in the modifiers in those definitions - "esteem, worth, excellence, quality" vs "deference, privilege, acceptance, acknowledgement".
"we had to sing more rugby songs" - ah, unintended consequences. We lobbied about hair length and off-site passes and the principal promptly disbanded the newly-formed school council. Coward.
It's not a matter of abdicating decison-making - just of acknowledging when you don't know enough yet to challenge expertise. Nothing particularly earthshaking there, I would have thought.
I think you're right, Max, but the intent is a shift in the right direction so hopefully similar action may follow with the primary school testing.
I applaud her decision - credit where it's due.
Couldn't resist:
Sorry, my context-free comment was about David describing the evils of Powerpoint on RNZ this morning (MP3, 4.8Mb).
plenty of people expect that <Minister-or-whatever-of-their-pet-peeve> has inside experience
I expect them to be mature enough to take expert advice. That's all.
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