Posts by Sacha
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Craig, I don't recall King fresh in her job ignoring professional evidence and avoiding engaging with her sector before rushing through policy changes, do you?
"Valium on a screen" - nice.
Where's Mark Harris when we need an answer like that?
Thanks, Slarty. I may follow up a bit in officialdom (without divulging any sources, o course).
Is that "I'm over shares"? :)
Ahem, ideal goal.
your preferred way of teaching literacy and numeracy through constant national testing
Hey, to be fair that's Tolley's preferred way, not AS's. I agree with him about the goal being full literacy - though I note the concession "majority" in his last post - but I reckon achieving that would require far more resources than are currently proposed. And that I think feeds people's suspicion of merely identifying the low achievers through testing. What are we going to do after that?
And yes you're right it was numerical perfection I was talking about...
Mark, I don't mind being pulled up but I reassure you I didn't mean to imply that numbers are more important than people (must knock off the demographic work) or to be reductionist about the learning process. I remember my father marking homework and discussing in the kitchen the individual encounters with students who made up his day. It's certainly a rich and complex dance even from the outside.
Seemed sensible to reference stats to address statistical claims here, although it's not a specialist area so I may have missed some nuances.
There are some commonly held false assumptions out there including that private schools have better quality teaching.
Quite - it's rich parents that make the difference. Some years back I remember a big Christchurch study reported conclusively a direct correlation between a school's academic performance and the wealth of the families of its students, allowing for all other possible influencing factors. Funnily enough I don't recall the media making much of that finding.
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