Posts by Sacha
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I reckon that Key ignoring Clark's attempts to try it on worked better for him. Mind you I didn't hear her make any claims like his that interest rates had doubled or productivity had halved - things he had previously been pinged for, and which are reasonably easy to establish.
I expect both of them to be trying to paint the other's potential MMP partners as bogies, and found Linda Clark's parting comment about the Nats not needing the Maori Party interesting.
Like you, I'm keener to see the Cactus Lab chaps fix the embedding probem at source than to try messing with my computer.
"contemptibly childish" - you're right, Craig, that's our petulant lil Winnie. Did you see the undisguised derision towards him on Agenda when he tried the same old shit about the helicopter?
Did anyone catch the re-run of the Temple Grandin doco "The Woman Who Thinks Like a Cow" recently? Great to see that she has carved out a life that suits her temperament and talents - with a decent education as the backbone. Vids here, including that doco.
This election still seems like a choice between a society that looks after the vulnerable and one that rewards the well-off, despite the seeming closeness of the central parties. There are arguments in favour of both those approaches, but one of them is going to make disabled children worse off than the other.
Oh, and I thought Campbell's framing of his questions was more biased towards the Nats lines (nanny state, time for change, etc) even though on the surface he also had themes like trust in there too. He also seemed more.. niggly towards Clark, as if there's still baggage.
Clark was constantly defensive partly because she was inside the wrong frame (and partly because Key knew she would try to correct his lying just like their first "debate"), but to be fair she did a poor job of reframing on the fly and didn't adjust to suit Campbell's more interruptive style.
TV3 debate: struggled to stay watching, glad the yelling didn't last, Clark seemed tired and the red jacket didn't help, thought the panel was a tad unfair about Key's late comments which I thought showed at least some hints of inspiration despite the ruthless focus-grouping - but then maybe it was less impressive in the flesh. Did anyone else reckon Key was about to shake Clark's hand at the very end after Campbell did his "may the best leader win" closing?
I didn't learn anything new, agreeing with iPredict (a delayed worm with cash at stake, also vaguely detached). Jenni McManus seemed plain depressed, Johansson's sartorial detachment reflected his assessment but boy was Linda Clark sharp and if she's on TV3's election night coverage then I'm in. Not sure I can be bothered sitting through tonight's no doubt similarly graceless debate on TV1.
On more mundane matters - Craig, does that last post mean you have successfully degraded your install of Flashplayer, or that you're just confident embedding is working for others? I'm struck by how much I'm missing th vids, and hoping someone can just swiftly fix the embedding code so it works with the latest incarnation.
Rob, dress it up however you want but dismissing my input as not "actually real" is offensive.
You really do not seem to have a clue, despite the intensive efforts of many here to educate your ass. You cling to an old-fashioned understanding of the world that privileges "authors", you moan about losing money and then deny that you're part of an industry.
Get over yourself, listen and learn before you go challenging the knowledge of others in areas you clearly know stuff all about. Until then you are simply unworthy of conversation.
Russell, thanks for looking into this. Jon Knox had a quick squiz at the code here. As noted in that thread a week back, I'm running Flashplayer on Firefox
I suggested an example from another field to help show the difference between things that can be sold only once and more than once.
Basically, a litre of petrol or a can of baked beans can only be sold once (ignoring the futures markets bolted on by financial traders). The way the banking system has evolved - with regulatory protection - means their business relies on lending out the same dollar more than once. As Jon notes, that leveraging behaviour is intimately linked with the current mess, but that wasn't my point. Nor does it require expert knowledge of banking to see the advantages or limitations of the metaphor.
The culture industries in a digital age overwhelmingly deal with product which can be sold (or taken) over and over at little marginal cost, depleting only the associated resources of stakeholders like creators and distributors, and of the broader cultural market. "Overexposure" might be one way in to thinking about that last item, though I'm not holding my breath given response to me previously raising broader issues upthread. It goes back to Walter Benjamin and others later writing about the death of the author, if anyone is interested.
Copyright is broken, and there are others here who know far more about that than me. It seemed relevant that selling culture is not the same as baked beans, but I've had enough making the same points over and over so I'm going to go do something else.
Russell do you have anyone from the lab working on this recent embedding failure? I really do want to see all the vids people are posting.
Rob, not my field either and nor do I want to spend any more time trying to explain the same concepts. As you were.
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