Posts by Sacha
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Seasonally appropriate with a side order of sacrilege...
I quite like the balance of superimposing a pagan festival back onto easter.
I like John's watermelon idea. It could make all hallows eve more locally relevant.
your words often make my lips do that little thing........what is it again?
No further encouragement for our undercover provocateur, please.. :)
Long gone stashed in offshore banks, methinks.
What does Alan Bollard drive?
A hard bargain? :)
Hmm and left that poor odd couple Fay and Richwhite to fend for themselves?
More a matter of mucking up our smaller, more fragile banking system at the time. Don't get me wrong, RichFay were total arseholes who deserved jail rather than knighthoods. Though media cheerleaders at the time would never have told the public that, and so all they would have noticed was the disruption in their personal finances.
Steven, I believe you are right that voters deciding on the basis of perceived trustworthiness might now go towards the Greens, United Future and maybe even the Maori Party despite the overhang.
The campaigning sure seems to have reduced any gap on that front between Nats and Labr, despite any differences in what we think they would actually do in government. And anyone voting for Winston First or Act is obviously driven by other considerations altogether.
Uncloaking a little more today about their sympathies are Herald journalists John Roughan:
It is going to be frustrating and infuriating but if it means Maori start to become proud and prosperous on self-determination and shared nationhood, it will be the making of us.
That is why my vote next Saturday will go to National, if the final polls suggest it needs it, or Act if it looks like a complacent conservative Government will need a spur in its flank...and relatively restrained strawperson floater Fran O'Sullivan:
Unless of course Clark - the ultimate pragmatist - tells Labour supporters in Tauranga to give their electorate vote to Peters and scraps together enough post-election allies to get her over the line. Your choice.
To be fair, Steve, there might have been a lot more indignation if the Nats had just let BNZ collapse.
However, that's no excuse for cold-heartedly ignoring the advice of officials and slashing benefit levels in the name of ideology. Or of not restoring them in the last nine years. The lack of indignation at those decisions offends me far more.
Something you're never going to manage in a Maserati, frankly.
Is there something about Rod Drury that you're not telling us? :)
Deliciously ambiguous.
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