Posts by Danielle
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the historical novel is mostly a worthless (sub-)genre
Them's fightin' words, mister.
Peter, I declare your sentiments admirable, and sure, let the kidlet musical explorations run rampant, but I'm just saying: if mine doesn't like the Beatles, I am going to have a heart-attack-level-serious talk with him. And there may be some discussion about cutting him out of the will. ;)
For instance, my daughter loves the Muppet Show.
And that's a show that'll give a child a really broad twentieth-century musical education, to boot. Music hall, American songbook, disco, singer-songwriter - they did everything! Bless those beardy stoners.
If that came from a guy, it might not have been quite the apology it sounds like.
So I can only roll *two* eyes at this? Why don't humans grow more eyes, dammit?
But it is still a great song by the Easybeats.
Oh boy, is it what! I clearly need to investigate them further, rather than just bopping about to 'Friday on My Mind'...
Holy shit, that video has go-go dancers. That dance is less comprehensible than crumping.
The male go-go dancer is my absolute favourite. He's really putting some stank on it, isn't he?
I think go-go dancing is perfectly comprehensible*: it is saying 'here, look at my bullet-bra boobs'. (That's why the guy is trying extra hard: he doesn't have the bullet-bra boobs to fall back on.)
*I also enjoy watching crumping, FWIW.
Michael FTW!
Lennon always felt that "Help" (the song) was badly recorded, so he's not always the best judge of his own material, either
Oh, he was totally objective about everything, all the time. (Snort.) Even when he asked George Martin to make his voice sound 'like an orange'.
mostly tweaked and then spliced into the surrounding text
Ruh-roh. (Sometimes, only the pidgin dog-English of Scooby-Doo can fully express my feelings.)
It's not as if Paris is Brigadoon, FFS...
Heh. 'It only appears once a century! And I wanted to meet Van Johnson and Cyd Charisse!'
Also, 1989 was the year that Neneh Cherry released "Buffalo Stance" and that, like, totally changed my life.
You're so right. That song is IT. Bomb the bass, rock this place.
He's acting as if going to Paris is something he'd never have a chance to do otherwise. Um, dude, you're a well-paid person with a lot of time off and there are flights to Europe *every day*.