Posts by Danielle
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That Vikings' jersey might be the worst rugby jersey I've ever seen.
Dude, it's awesome. It's totally TCB.
So... this thread keeps on finding new, discrete ways to be annoying, doesn't it?
Ah. So I'm the only one who thinks Kevin McCloud is a hilariously insufferable cheeseball, then? I'll get me coat.
(I do rather enjoy watching him, but he makes us pause the MySky to roll our eyes and snicker a hell of a lot.)
I'd be more inclined to just call them wrong.
What *motivates* them to be wrong *in this particular way* is really the key issue, though. Joe and Lucy are totally right to point that out.
I think porn's had quite an influence there ...
I should note that I am not being judgeypants: if said Brazilianing, as a woman, floats your boat, go right ahead and god bless you. But if someone I was bonking asked me to do that, I'd be saying an emphatic 'NO!' because I have this irrational thing against, oh, *bleeding to death*.
looking like a hairless child
Pube derail: I recently read a UK advice column in the Times which noted that most heterosexual men nowadays pretty much expect a full Brazilian of their partners. To which I say: owwweeeeeeeee.
ETA: a pox on your edit, Ranapia! :)
So I guess that means models are normal too.
A qualified yes, if a) all the models we see in media are not digitally altered; b) all the models we see on catwalks do not have eating disorders or speed/cocaine problems*; and c) all the models on catwalks just happen, coincidentally, to be over five foot eight and a size zero.
IOW, there certainly are very tall, very thin people who are naturally exactly that way genetically, and that's terrific and normal. But there are obviously other factors at work in the fashion industry which influence these things, and not all of those factors are healthy.
*Not that doing cocaine ever caused anyone I know to lose weight. But I am reliably informed that it often does.
If the media had as great an influence on body image and eating habits as is claimed we wouldn't have a population that was ~50% overweight or obese.
Seriously, can someone stab me before we have this conversation again? Unpacking all the wrong takes so long, and is so frustrating and (apparently) pointless.
Jezebel's Photoshop of Horrors tag makes for some interesting reading. The recent controversy over slimming down Kelly Clarkson on the cover of Self was like a lesson in what not to do if you're a magazine editor...
so i set a precedent. doesnt mean you have to follow suit
Trust me, you didn't set a precedent. The Women's XV and their supporters have worked quite hard to make sure it isn't a general PAS habit, however.
for having an iwi you think doesnt suck
They may very well objectively suck in a broad historical sense, what with all that suit-wearing and 30 pieces of silver-taking and whatnot. The jury is probably still out on how well the iwi-based claims process works for 'all Maori', whatever that means. I was just noting for Joe's benefit that Ngai Tahu do, in fact, do things for those who are enrolled with them.
ETA: I love the way I'm snarking about the cunt thing when 'The World is Full of Cunts' is still on the front page of topics. Heh.