Posts by Sacha
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Yes, no extra bureaucrats needed if they simply decide at a glance which deserving recipients will be employable again "in the medium term" by the time-honoured tradition of observing skin colour, spoken English or the absence of a wheelchair..
Having said, that I thought Key acquitted himself quite well on Agenda yesterday.
they all did them for reasons completely separate from money. none of em thought they were going to see any cash, just hoped it would come near breaking even. which they did, sort of.
headless chooks aren't doing it for the cash, although they're pretty careful to not be paying to play either, cos they're skint so that really isn't going to work is it?
An audience who can afford to pay does not mean the performers are going to make money - though as you note it increases the chance they won't be paying for the pleasure or glory out of their own pockets.
Sorry Sofie I see you got to that motivation already. Reading deficiently so time to do something else methinks.
And aren't they also reforming because their audience has money now?
Sorry Computer fukup - there's a teeshirt in there I'm sure.
I'm hoping Kyle meant uninstalling flashplayer, not the whole flipping browser.
Stephen Jones in Wasilla Alaska last night was great.
Wholeheartedly agree. Skewered so effectively in only a few minutes that you won't need to read the screeds of coverage about Palin's incompetence. Go watch if you haven't seen it.
you started off so well (9 tenths of the way through the convo), and then you went all abstract on us jon.
I blame the ponies.. :)
so if I should ever be a little errr confused when I get into their cars late at night, I know they know where I live!
Regularity has its uses. I had one spendidly gregarious workmate who took to wearing her corporate name badge out on the town. At the end of the eve when her equally incoherent drinking buddies poured her into a cab, the driver could just ask dispatch where she lived if they didn't already know. Worked a treat, although not so sure how safe it would be these days.
opposing regulation of a lot of risky instruments
Worse - wasn't he a cheerleader of stripping regulation that had been put in place to stop the same entirely predictable corruption after the 1930s Depression?
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