Posts by Sacha
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I've forgotten women I dated 20 years ago.
Too busy focusing on rugby tours, perhaps.. :)
The totalitarian tyranny of the Alfreds must end!
Especially the ginga ones.
Roflnui :)
A quantum theory of politics. Love it.
Rob, when you can sell the same litre of petrol more than once, come back to us with the Jayden story.
Let's get the game designers to make the voting systems work. Might make the polling booth more exciting and attract the yoof vote. :)
Maybe the media could do a better job of communicating what the effect on 'ordinary' people is likely to be
Totally agree, and the pollies too. You'd expect better during our own election campaign, unless they really don't know either.
Harumph! 300 million people!
Quality, not quantity. :)
my fave Obama moment today was the man having a giggle with Jon Stewart.
Sigh. They're both so wasted on the americans.
Where in any of Labour's manifesto in 1984 were the details of their biggest moves - the massive sale of state assets?
Unmandated changes by an incoming government in a climate of crisis. Sounds worryingly familiar.
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