Posts by Sacha
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I know it goes against the spirit of the thread, but isn't Mucking In a much better show than the yank equivalent you're discussing. All the warm fuzzies but none of the big talking and overacting.
Or take us on holiday with you.. :)
The Herald ever so slightly redeems itself by broadcasting the doubting voice o Rudman - "When silver and bronze beat gold":
The sniping about MMP is a smokescreen for the critics' inability to adjust to the new rules. They're talking horse racing when the game is now chess.
I'm more concerned by journos taking changes that are within the margin of error and spinning a story about support going up or down since the last poll. Bless the Loess!
In regards to...
Snap - and likewise "in terms of". It's as if the word "about" isn't good enough any more.
Many mistakes seem to come from people using big words or phrases when small ones would do just fine, and when they simply aren't smart enough to successfully embellish for reasons of style or pleasure.
Are you sure that was Winston? I was rather surprised at what a cock Jim Anderton was being on occasion -- interjecting, having an exchange with a third party (loud enough to be picked up by his mic) while someone else was speaking.
Yes, Anderton was the unimpressive culprit later, but I'm sure it was Winnie with the smoker's hacking.
I did love the Aro Valley water pistol approach, but surely just make sure the mics are set to only pick up the person at each podium not their neighbours, and switch off all but one at a time.
Kudos to whoever at TVNZ was paying attention after the last farce, told Mark (Mo'licious) Sainsbury to plug in his spine and do his fraking job, and I can only presume had the riot act read in the green room. Not so sure anyone said anything worth listening to, but at least it could be heard.
And did you notice Winston's mic volume coming back up every now and then, after it had obviously been turned down? Though not the couple of times he coughed loudly over the top of Jeanette Fitzsimons.
I'd rather the moderator could just control which mic was un-muted and the others were automatically off. If I want interjections, I'll listen to Question Time.
Oftentimes they are crossing "live" to a reporter in the newsroom.
Exactly. Like somehow the information is better if it is happening right now - but for some reason it needs to be anywhere other than the studio, even if it's just down the corridor. I'm only surprised they don't go the whole hog and use a handheld camera and lower grade visuals, for extra "authenticity".
a sadistic typesetter
So you've met one before, too? That's kind of reassuring..
I still twitch when I hear people use the phrase "begs the question" incorrectly
Me too. Young journos seem to be very fond of it, and the gutting of seniors and subs hasn't helped the trend.
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