Posts by Sacha
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couldn't stop my crap loving mouse from clicking on the link
Story of my online life.. :)
And speaking of competence, how does a blithering fool like Coddington actually get paid for writing such crap.
She goes on about how hardy farming types respond to a downturn, without making any connection with what Cullen for all his faults has been doing. Was she really this stupid as an MP?
</rant> Anyway, if you want a relaxing day, don't feel compelled to read her delusional ramblings. Although they are a fascinating study of immature entitlement in the pampered boomer.
there's the problem of the earthquake-proofing work
Not in Auckland, there isn't. No excuse at all. We just delight in electing city councillors who regard a heritage building as just another carpark or shoebox waiting for the attentions of a misunderstood property developer. Amazing how many philistines the leafy suburbs produce.
I just love the way we use age as a substitute for competence, when that's what we're really trying to establish.
I've met 14 year olds whose judgement I trust and 64 year olds I wouldn't. Fortunately most people are in between.
However, some of the denizens of the foaming nutblogs shouldn't really be trusted in a polling booth or a courtroom (or a classroom, for that matter).
Very inclusive :)
Meanwhile in unrelated news, roaming fuckwits proudly deface hoardings.
We have debated whether a before and after photo of a hoarding would constitute enough proof for convictions. We reckon it may, so will limit ourselves to just taking photos of ones already altered.
You run counter to the demographic trend. Whoopee for you.
I think Russell hints that many of us here may run counter to the prevailing pattern. That's a whole lotta whoopee..
Fair point, Deborah - and I'm not wedded to any particular way of delivering it.
I didn't notice Key saying he had a different plan for encouraging R&D other than a head-in-sand moment where he claimed that business will just magically do that (like they've been doing for so long).
I'd love to see a bidding war break out.
ask the business lobbyists why the only form of welfare they never have any problem with is corporate
Yes, I'm tired of the constant bleating from business reps about red tape in the face of consistent evidence that we have less of it than nearly every other country they could move to. I'd rather they just got on with playing their very crucial role in creating more value, but maybe transferring costs onto others is the only way many of em know how to make a profit.
I'm with Lucy that R&D is an obvious exception where I'd like to see far more co-investment so we benefit from shifting rapidly to a high-value economy.
It seemed to take media outlets (including the part of Morning Report I heard) ages to cotton on to the implications of the Nats repealing the "Mallard amendment" - that employers would simply transfer their own 2% contribution onto their KiwiSaver-enrolled employees during wage negotiations over the next few years. Cynical.
The Standard got there pretty quickly, and even the Herald caught up today. No doubt there are others too, but like many PAS rollers, I had work to fit in..
I'd like to hope that voters are smarter than we get credit for (except them Palin ones). I was pleasantly surprised to see a Stuff poll yesterday with most respondents (3000+) rejecting the bribe (yes, I know teh online polls are unreliable - but the bias usually seems to go the other way, much like the rabid comments).
Herald - Foo Fighters blast McCain over song use.
Do you reckon they'd be any happier if the song was 20 years old?
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