Posts by Sacha
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Back to Coddington, I'm delighted to see Tze Ming back briefly to deliver the gracious skewering that the snivelling coward deserved.
Coddington unrepentently rubs it in by "apologising" to those Asians "who are not engaged in criminal activity". Wonder if she was a little bitch in the schoolyard or if she's grown into it? Me angry too, and not so gracious.
Have to agree with Russell's recent observation about the preponderance of right-wing bullies who cry victim when they're confronted - in this case with outright lying about her central topic. Lying which was proved to the satisfaction of the Press Council at the time.
Maybe her editor needs reminding of that, as I wonder if there is any comeback for repeating falsehoods after a judgement has been delivered.
Sorry, that was for the unsage and repetitive one. Boring.
Yeah, yeah. Next.
I think someone mentioned the distinctive way that billboard girl is looking at the camera. It is unusual to have such an active challenge, and I'm not expecting to see it anytime soon in an advert for cornflakes.
I wonder if other Green billboards will target different voters, or if different channels are being preferred for the young first-timers for instance. I expect to see more sophisticated marketing from all parties this time. Except Winston First, perhaps.
And I mean social sustainability as well. Let's sell our expertise about that around the world.
And while we won't be voting for the Greens, I don't actually think those who do care about their families, communities and the future of this country any more than us. Would be rather nice to see that acknowledged, wouldn't it?
Craig, when the Nats release policies that show they're thinking of anyone's children beyond their own or those who go to private schools, I'm all ears. Of course you and other voters are caring people but let's look at the available evidence of whether your preferred representatives share your concern, cos that's what counts once you have given them your vote.
In the absence of policy we have history. The last time National were in power they deliberately and severely underspent on crucial social services and infrastructure, impoverishing lots of children and families. Many who promoted and oversaw that savagery are still on the shadow front bench or in the back rooms. Happy to give some "acknowledgement" when they prove their spots have changed.
Nothing personal though. Both major parties have routinely favoured short-term interests (eg: let's pay my mates to build more roads for my car to drive on) over those of future generations (eg: let's invest in public transport now).
By contrast, the Greens and their predecessors in Values have been consistent for several decades so I have far more faith that they'll act with integrity rather than slap on some quick-drying greenwash. I guess that's also a reflection on people who vote for them, but I think you're going too far in conflating those and it's over-reacting to take offense when someone misses your party out of the praise. The Greens won't be governing alone so you'll always have other perspectives around the table, hopefully those who can see some business advantages for our nation in exporting smart sustainablility.
Purple balls on Queen St - does sound like it could be related to Crow's lil event. :)
Or if they tried to run the kind of palpable untruths that Palin trotted out in her speech.
You mean like this crap from Fran O'Sullivan? She already seems to be foaming at the mouth as the election approaches, like last time's hysterical rantings.
Have the Herald let all their fact-checkers go, or just their morals?
Quite, Rex. It's stunning how the smug little silver spooner can ignore all the advantages at his disposal and dress up his profoundly average abilities as a series of inspired "light bulb" moments. Enough rope.
Back to something that makes me yawn less, and hopefully twists fewer knickers.
Valve technology actually makes damned good sense
I read something about MiG 25s being able to start up in freezing conditions and just take off, whereas the flash American equivalents had all this fancy anti-icing gear and suchlike.
Reminded me of the million dollars of US R&D to produce the "space pen" that could write upside down in zero G - anyone remember those? The Ruskies sharing the Space Station used a pencil, apparently.
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