Posts by Sacha
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Programs like Photoshop can import graphic components from PDF files. I presume from earlier comments that the billboard background is separate from its words.
As will Rob if he’s moved on from tramping. :)
Carefully. :)
The Nats even have tidy “graffiti scrawl”, it would appear.
“Knot your loved ones”
Well that oughta keep em safe..
Did no one else notice the dog-whistle about family safety in that second line?
This doesn’t even make sense.
Damn straight. It repeats that silly idea that people choose to emigrate because of tax rates. Maybe applies to the several ACT voters, but anyone else who falls for that line deserves the government they get
Felix, thanks for the inside perspective. Without dropping yourself in it or revealing any potential scoops, can you give us regular folk some sense of how much the gallery knows but hasn’t published yet about this whole Winston mess?
Ah, chunder chook. That was my first experience as an impressionable five year old at a friend’s birthday party. Perhaps unsurprisingly I never liked the stuff afterwards.
Didn’t stop me liking the ad though. Very smart of them to anticipate the obesity they helped create.
And not in a nice way.. :)
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