Posts by Sacha
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This is a wonderful response and I'd like to think I'd say something very similar were it my child.
Yes, imagine a world without unconditional love as the alternative. Shudder.
Still distracted by work, but found this offering from Wendyl Nissen that touches on both my immediate plight and the discussion here:"Think of England," she replied helpfully.
Like I say, faith over evidence.
Well, hows about that that weather, ey.
but let's not let this thread be hijacked by Grant's bullshit, okay? Let him troll anywhere on PA but here, it would be a real shame. So not taking the bait, please.
Mr Ranapia, you'll notice that many of us had agreed informally to Giovanni's suggestion, so please don't come back and prod the troll. Still trying to find some time to get my own thoughts together but don't want to have to wade through shit to do so.
Heh, graphics been washed out for months around here. Speaking o sad, I've been crunching stats all day. Whisky sounds v attractive about now.
Poorly worded alright - as useful as asking when people stopped beating their wives. Though I now wonder on re-reading if they're actually talking about people correcting parents by smacking them?
Some people have a notion of authority rooted in old testament traditions. In the States, they're often called Republicans and Charlton Heston and his ilk are their heroes. George Lakoff analysed them as demanding a "strong father" to tell them what to do and assure their survival in a hostile world. More here:
That type of authority only works if it is completely beyond question - which is why it fits so well with faith-based approaches to life. Neocon promotion of "executive presidency" is along the same lines, where any decision of the President is logically above the law, because, well, he's the decider isn't he. Heaven forbid that there could be limits on the authority of decisionmakers like city councils.
Most kiwis would laugh at that concept of "authority" being held up as the only right way to live, no matter how stridently it is proclaimed by adherents.
Thanks for the thread, Emma. Too damn tired to say much now but will no doubt return over th weekend.
After Kerry's story I remembered for the first time in ages having regular conversations with the resident live model at Elam while we both waited for a bus back into town after my feminist studies or literary critical theory lectures. All ties together.
Matthew, I think it's more a matter of faith over evidence - so no amount of proof will ever be enough.
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