Posts by Sacha
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I tried entering Craig into the Google engine. That didn't quite do it. However, the word blowjob did
I'd like to be surprised by that - and I think Craig doesn't need 100 volunteers, bless im. It's an interesting business model all right.
"Dingo stole my baby!"
Aah, the Gary Larson cartoon of the daycare centre next to the dingo farm and the caption "Trouble Brewing".
This is something I did not previously know about tortoises.
Same. Although I am confident after that other thread that you will find more interesting uses for that knowledge than I ever could, Emma...
Man, the search ratings for this thread are going to go through the roof now.
or Key: "play?"
Must have made an impact, cos Coddingswallop seeks to exonerate herself even now:, my best wishes go with you and I hope you can make the same sort of difference in the new role.
So long, and thanks for all the fisks.
And that also gets my vote for one of the most brilliant lines ever. Thanks Jake.
In white jackets, sometimes..
Word o the day - squicky. The things you learn around here..
Surely they decided to call it "unauthorised" to make it sound less.. boring. It's hardly an accidental choice of word, but I don't think they're being literal at all - more of a self-important marketing ploy is my pick.
I recommend looking at that few minutes of 80s footage from the other Unauthorised History, including some great evasion that looks familiar already and even the bloke's wife admitting his job was boring.
Worth the whole Herald piece, I thought. Kelly, don't tell yer boss I said that though.
Hey, it's a common assumption which I've come to enjoy. No bad there.
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