Posts by Sacha
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ADHD-afflicted peasants
So who's been reading Bridget Saunders, then...
Thanks for the support. I've been pondering about my role in this conversation, and it seems sensible to just say what I've realised even if it's a bit philospohical. Make of it what you will.
I reckon that reading and contributing here is a good use of my limited time and I have done so since the bfm Hard News days. I expect a certain level of intelligent conversation here and others have noted that PAS can be an intimidating place no matter what our backgrounds are. I like that there is a high degree of respect for different viewpoints and experiences. People mostly behave themselves, including me I hope.
I value the range of subject experts who visit PAS, and I expect to defer to them if I don’t know as much. I’m aware this place does not exist in a vacuum and all the usual considerations about social relationships, resources and power apply. Some forms of knowledge and some subject areas are valued less or more than others. That’s just the way it is, and this place is way better than most which is a deliberate decision on the part of our gracious host. It does annoy me when people act as if the world is a level playing field – but that’s just cos social justice is important to me, and I have a strong interest in social policy, media and cultural theory (gee I wonder what brought me here of all places).
I can handle disagreement, and most here seem comfortable with that too. I am fine having to explain myself if I have been unclear.
It does however bring out the worst in me (I readily admit) when a particular person seems to revel in repeated misunderstandings, and by doing so erodes the conventions, goodwill and trust that hold this place together. Because I value PAS, I take that seriously – and if my response feels like “bullying” to some then so be it.
Rob, I like most of your contributions but please slow down and thoroughly read what others are writing before you leap to the reply button. It’s not that I reckon my words are gold, but it sure is not my job to spoon-feed you when others seem perfectly capable of following the same conversation. I apologise if my extra responsiveness in this thread has given you an impression that I deeply care whether you agree with me or not. I reassure you that no one is accusing you or any other PAS contributors of committing family violence. Just of not having enough respect for some well-informed viewpoints - and most of all, for the taonga you’re part of here.
Finally, I was waiting all thread for someone to ask, Deborah – and Rob is in this instance correct that I’m not eligible for your team. Strong off-field supporter, is all.
Rob, I find myself reading you as autistic by now, which is why I've probably been more forgiving than I would usually be. I just don't have the patience to go through every word time and time again in the hope that it has sunk in this time. Not sure about how Russell sees you.
Anyway, my patience is over. Learn how to have a reasonable conversation with some logic and some feeling and we'll be OK. Persist in not paying attention to what other people are saying and you will be better off finding somewhere else to parade your ignorance.
Funny that was my first thought too, John. I can respect provocative and even bigoted but downright stupid loses its appeal after a while. If you can't read properly, argue logically or tell a meaningful story then what would attract you to keep coming back for more? Sigh.
Rob, you have split a complete sentence into two parts and then reacted to each part seperately. Go and read it again, and stop wasting my time.
Read the Raybon Kan piece, Rob - does a great job of unpacking what Veitch has said so far and outlines how far away from taking responsibility it is. Until we hear him clearly acknowledge that he harmed her, it's all just smoke. I'm happy to leave it to a court process (agree with you on that now that we know there may be one), but there is well-funded deliberate spin going on in the meantime.
Said many times upthread so not going to repeat the detail, but denial is common for perpetrators of family violence, so please don't go acting all surprised when people react to hearing the same arguments out of your mouth.
Endless repetition is not going to turn that into a valid criticism.
It's already a "valid" criticism, WH - is just the acknowledgement of that from some that is still lacking. Not OK means Not OK. You're the one who isn't getting that.
Yamis, I love the idea of a "scrapebook" for recording them altercations. However, I'm imagining Lose ain't no chihuahua?
usually there was some escalation and other lower level violence first
I wonder how he treated pets?
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