Posts by Sacha
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Thanks, Julie. I like the way your commenter Anna McM put it:
If Veitch is trying to reform himself, being surrounded by apologist turds like Holmes won't be helping much.
I think those who want some "balance" need to reflect that Tony is not doing himself any favours long term either. He does deserve at least the possibility of redemption, after he has owned up like a real man would.
Full credit to the team.
Shep, thanks for the pointer. That Mediawatch story is good (podcast, 9.7Mb):
That's got to be cheating..
Also a sign of increasing readership, and enough people committing the effort needed to keep a conversation going.
Accoording to the counter on the main page - - this post should make about 993. Don't despair, almost there.
They might subpoena Holmes as the writer of most of the mawkish garbage that has substituted for taking responsibility.
How about that weather, then..
Rob, the official counter says 983 - where's your total coming from?
Just sent Raybon's editor a note of congratulations. Figure it pays to encourage those doing the job well.
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