Posts by Naly D

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  • Field Theory: So what are you doing in 2011?,

    And if you want to see the All Blacks play the best advice is to not live in the South Island.

    But they don't care, they get Robbbbbie Deans back!

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Not Watered Down,

    I have long since given up on assuming that anyone wearing the hat or shirt of an American team is, in fact, a fan of said team. It is vaguely annoying.

    Yeah, if it were true, half of Wellington would be Celtics, and in particular, Paul Pierce fans, apparently.

    To what Hadyn was saying, refer to the guy next to me on the train to Levin on the weekend. Might have been around 16, and was wearing a pretty nice looking Celt's hat. I got talking to him, and popped 'Oh, so you're a Celtics fan?' into the conversation - already had 'I'm a Cav's fan myself, reckon you guys can take it this year' lined up to follow, only he interrupted with a 20 minute story about how his hat blew away in town and it was only $30 for that one.

    I put my headphones back on and listened to Smashing Pumpkins the rest of the way to pretend he didn't exist.

    Awesome post Hadyn, very thorough round-up [well I feel like it is anyway, but I wasn't there, so don't take me as an expert or anything]. Just lay off the journo's huh! We'll take anything for free, we're slaves for marketing ploys

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Here's what we know,

    Oh and potential conspiracy theory: apparently in Pakistan both teams travel together because it's easier to guard, but yesterday Pakistan decided to use a different van.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Here's what we know,

    Small consolation, but thank goodness they were only doing it for the publicity. If they'd gone into the grounds and opened fire during the match...

    It's a terrible shame. Thank goodness the players are [largely] alright, but I've heard enough 'I told you so's' on the radio today to last a lifetime.

    Justin Vaughan said it best - If you stop playing in and with the Asian countries, cricket will die. Compare the crowds of the NZ/Aus series and NZ/India or Aus/India and you'll get a good idea of what he meant

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: I don't like cricket (tune…,

    I'd just like to say I've submitted my application for next vice-captain of the BLACKCAPS.

    As per a drunken conversation halfway through the second last over:
    'We wanna get it to at least 12 or less by the start of the last over. What I'd do if I was McCullum would be go for a couple of singles or as many 2's as possible off the first two balls. This opens everything up for us. We don't wanna try smack it straight away, 'cause if we don't get the boundaries we'll have no choice but to keep belting it. What we need to do is make them think we're gonna keep running, and we can win it that way. Then their fielders'll come in and we can hit a couple of boundaries. Then the Indians will be headless chickens, trying to hold on to the win, spreading the field here there and everywhere, before we hit a lofty almost-boundary to sprint the remaining runs.'

    Alas, while tactics are my strong point, skills are not. Also, at times, observation, as displayed by the confusion amongst my friends and I when we perceived Jesse to have taken a walk. Didn't know he'd been bowled until I saw the replays [also, see me vent my frustration re: Guptill.

    As we left, we actually found ourselves in the middle of that group of Indians! They crept up on us, surrounded us, then began chanting! It was an easy way to get out of the stadium though.

    Hat tip to this kid, wtf to this can of Woodstock in the toilets and man of the match to Jesse, 26 off 15, but bowled 24 balls and only cost 18 runs.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Cricket isn't Rock,

    almost everyone can if forced admit to having owned one of their albums

    I'm the exception to that rule, but then I'm probably showing my age. Someone probably got my share and he'll hand it down to me once I pass the magical 30-year-old mark and it becomes ok for me to lean on the bar in seedy nightclubs looking at all the university students and remembering 'the goold ol'' days'.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Cricket isn't Rock,

    I'm late in joining this but:

    Yeah organisations like the IRB, NBA etc etc tend to have policies on illegal drugs of all kinds for situations just like this.

    Both the IRB and NBA have a policy <i>against</i> blood testing, which prevents many recreational drugs being picked up. It's not like it isn't obvious some of the S14 anf NBA guys prefer a smoldering one to a cold one after the match. But if it can't be proven...

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: That's Super,

    One that the Minister for Sport and Rec ought to involve himself in.

    You're not the only one that has noticed his stunning silence since taking office on every sporting issue - not even congratulating the Halberg winners.

    Cosgrove didn't like being Sport minister and hated SPARC, but he still made an effort.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: That's Super,

    The Black Ferns will have a limited programme in 2009, which will be geared at maintaining continuity and preparations for the Women's Rugby World Cup in 2010. Women's players will be in contention for the New Zealand Women's Sevens team which will play at the first ever Women's Rugby World Cup Sevens tournament in Dubai in March.


    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Cricketucation,

    4 wickets instead of 3

    If anyone saw the match on Sunday, the wickets were basically as wide as 4 anyway.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

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