Posts by Phil Lyth

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  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Jolisa, apparently here the correct tag is </pendant>, although I have never got to the bottom of the additional letter. An in-joke maybe.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Thinking a bit: the Earthquake Commission says it has $5.6 billion more or less, plus overseas reinsurances. So plenty in the pot to cover the stab-in-the-dark figure of $2 billion (being treated as gospel by media, I suspect, but that is another story.)

    But depending on how much reinsurance pays out, 4 Sept will leave a pretty big dent in the kitty, from a shake that is an order of magnitude smaller than the Big One that will hit sometime.

    Will the remaining $3.6 - $4.6 billion be sufficient for the future? Is the EQC fund big enough to cover the Big One? And should the limit of $100K+GST per house be revisited?

    Must think some more.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    But basically I've stopped bothering reacting for anything less than a five.

    We'll make a Wellingtonian of you yet!

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    I'm also now slightly less sanguine about sleeping three feet from a 19th century brick wall which is the only thing between me and a 5 metre drop to the street...

    Wellington City Council has driven a massive project to identify and strengthen earthquake-prone buildings. Including just about all blocks of flats/apartments.

    Do you know whether your building has been through that?

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Impressive. EQC are already advertising they can accept online claims:

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    I think that was the conference Recordari and Sasha were to have been at - they've been on thread.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Ah, sense of humour not damaged

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Lucy, nothing on UC yet. 11am Radio NZ news said damage at Christchurch School of Medicine means people at a conference have to find other accommodation.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Heard TV One dropped

    Can't report firsthand, we're following Radio NZ and Radio Live but someone was not impressed on FaceBook:

    David Slack: What we've seen so far. Christchurch is made of bricks and TV news is made of marshmallow.
    about an hour ago via Twitter


    David Slack: Hey One News, the home of the Exclusive Live Cross, bringing news as it happens, I have an interesting earthquake story for you.
    3 hours ago via Twitter
    . . .
    Terry Williams: Their credit cards have been cut. Cut them some slack Slack.
    54 minutes ago

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    The good side of this is that everyone/everything seems to be responding quickly and well. Good work from media online. Good on Key too for flying south.

    People putting lots of pics online giving an idea of damage. I do hope the driver wasn't in the taxi when the bricks came down.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

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