Posts by Phil Lyth

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  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    Key was not in full-fledged-dumping mode at the 4.30pm press conf today. (I didn't see The Nation.) His speech notes included this:

    There are just over 160,000 homes in the Selwyn, Christchurch and Waimakariri areas, and there are estimates that 100,000 of them may be damaged, some beyond repair.

    We do not yet know how many people are uninsured, but officials, EQC and the insurance companies are working on that. I am advised that the national average of uninsured houses is around 5 per cent.

    It is important to note that any homeowner who has a mortgage or business that has borrowings, will almost certainly have insurance as a requirement of that liability.

    So yes, 5% of 100,000 houses may be uninsured, or 5,000 homes / 10,000 adults (ballpark)

    I will watch carefully to see what the Govt actually does in the coming weeks.

    I tend to like the thought of funding EQC's Natural Disaster Fund via a levy collected on top of rates instead of a levy collected on top of insurance - that will get almost 100% coverage.

    Also Key said in response to a question that EQC funds the first $1.5b from the fund, after which reinsurance of $2.5b starts to kick in.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    And the next one Sacha:

    Wen(t) on to talk about an elderly person with no insurance being a hardship case Agreed it would be case by case #eqnz

    Any help appreciated as to why my Tweets (via website) didn't show up in the eqnz stream. (signed) Noob.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    I've been listening to Key's press conf via (thanks Russel for help with Twitter)

    To be fair, he made it clear that the $5m is very much a first contribution to the Mayoral Fund, which will be for hardship. He makes a Ministerial Statement in Parliament at 2pm and then he, Brownlee (the new Minister for Reconstruction) and others go to Chch to meet Mayors. There will be a lot more money flowing from the Crown he said.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    MOre aftershocks approx 3.09pm and 3,15pm

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    Steve, you obviously have a wealth of knowledge about EQC type matters.

    I think however you may be bundling up a few things.

    Certainly Councils have the data (land value plus improvedvalue) to be able to calculate an EQC levy to add on to rates. I was thinking that this would be collected by Councils and passed to EQC, replacing the current system of the levy being collected by insurance companies and passed on to EQC.

    I need to read some more before commenting on 'what EQC is there for'. It has been a while since the 1993 Act was implemented.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    Graeme, Graeme, you know better than that. Yes collective responsibility means a lot of things. Including Wot I Said.

    Rich, we were asking ourselves that a few minutes ago.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    And would a decent correction and apology from NZ Herald and Newztalk ZB be too much to ask for?

    Decent, as in not buried away on page F85 under the Lost Cats ads.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Don't know why I waited for GeoNet to tell me the 12.35pm aftershock was 4.5. Emma could have told me straight away it was under 5.0, and to not worry about the flurry of 'big aftershock' tweets.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    absolutely fucking FURIOUS

    So was I. Very angry tweet fired off within a minute of two of learning of the deception.

    Normally I take things at a very measured pace.

    We both probably reacted becuase, love Anderton or hate him, the fiction is one that will stay with public consciousness for simply years.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    The political gain is in the alternate universe that blowhole inhabits

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

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