Posts by dc_red

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  • Hard News: Current affairs TV in "making…,

    His main angle was that “celebrities” should thoroughly check out any product and industry before putting their name to it.

    All fine in principle, but not hugely practical I’d have thought.

    A fine principle indeed. Something that has been said about a certain golfer's endorsement of Nike for many years, if I recall?

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Current affairs TV in "making…,

    Was talk of farming kiwi in NZ a while back by one of Mr Franks' mates. Free-range, presumably...

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Current affairs TV in "making…,

    Of course, just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they aren't in a barn somewhere. I gather Canada has a huge intensive pig-farming industry.

    Yes, that was the point. I was responding to an earlier comment that much of NZ's imported pig meat comes from Canada. And it sure as f7ck ain't free range.

    Not to say we should necessarily idealize the life of the free range farm animal either, as was my point regarding South Island lambs.

    If you left your dog outside to die in the cold you'd be prosecuted and rightly so.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Current affairs TV in "making…,

    @ David R

    It always struck me as odd that our Beef and Lamb are given a great life in the paddocks

    Well, except for the tens of thousands of lambs that die terrible deaths from prolonged exposure in the godforsaken, treeless paddocks of the South Island every time it snows in August and September. Which it does pretty much every year.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Current affairs TV in "making…,

    I've lived in Canada for a cumulative total of about 5 years. Visited 8/10 Provinces. Driven through rural areas for days at a time.

    Number of pigs seen = 0

    Of course it's possible they're galavanting about in large, centrally heated barns making pigs of themselves.

    But I doubt it.

    Am now trying to recall if I have ever seen a cow, either. I can assure you the wheat and barley is free-range though.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    RB's link to Anna Chinn's good little read seems to be broke. I found it here.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Week,


    the rather white, middle class Auckland-centric media-political complex in a lather

    Ouch, you've got me on that one. But having said that I remember quite a lot of hysteria over previous by-elections in the rest of the country too - particularly Selwyn.


    the MP for the West Coast (whose name escapes me)

    I believe he's an anchovy.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Week,


    Never! Heresy!

    Now, another month of listening to Melissa Lee on the other hand....

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    I'm just struggling to believe that Lee's staff were going during the working day and making a campaign video for "fun" and on a wholly volunteer basis.

    Is it just me or is it hard to imagine anything less fun than making National party propaganda?

    Now, making it badly on the other hand....

    And yes, South Auckland is a well-known code for brown people.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Speaker: Economics of the Waterview Tunnel,

    I found this writing from CK Stead, at the time of the Eastern Highway 'debate', remarkably applicable to today's sad turn of events. Worth quoting at length I hope:

    Short of a huge aerial bombardment, a motorway is the most destructive modern weapon against an urban environment, blocking access on either side, dividing communities, destroying housing, waterways, parklands and areas of natural beauty, creating air and (even worse) noise pollution, and in the long term making worse the traffic problem it is supposed to solve.

    This latter point cannot be repeated too often, since our civic leaders seem unable to learn the lessons even of very recent history. I am old enough to remember when Grafton Gully was a piece of charming bushland, with old graves and a stream running down towards the harbour.

    When it was proposed as the route for a motorway, we were assured that only a thin strip would be taken and that, otherwise, its natural beauty would be preserved. It is now a maze of concrete.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

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