Posts by Danielle
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she had a broad Texan accent - said "y'all" - I'd assumed that people didn't really talk that way, it was some sort of code they used on TV to indicate a corrupt southern sheriff .... but they do ....
Oh Paul. You could have just come to my house in Mairangi Bay in the early 80s to hear an honest-to-goodness person saying y'all and other southernisms. If you'd timed it for visits from relatives, there would have been an entire gaggle of people saying y'all!
the red-blue state divide
I think it's more urban/rural. Go to any biggish city in the US and you'll find likeminded people, even in the south. Go to any exurb or small town and you'll be surprised at how many rednecks you'll find. Even on the left or right coasts. Plus, given that most of my blood relatives over there live in an isolated town the size of my right buttcheek, which contains one petrol station, one Piggly Wiggly supermarket, and one diner (you have to drive for 30 minutes to get to a Dairy Queen or a Walmart. I am not kidding), I really do try to aim for the 'people are people everywhere if you just give them a go' thing. (Not that it always works, because sometimes what they think drives me *insane*. But... yeah.)
Is anywhere in Texas cool?
I know you were joking, but: yes. Emphatically. Even parts of Houston and Dallas. (Actually, I like the cool parts of Houston better than the cool parts of Austin, because people in Houston have to work much harder for the coolness. There are big gay communities in Houston and Dallas, too, which is always a good sign. And lots of ethnic areas in Houston - there's an entire Little Vietnam, with street signs in both English and Vietnamese, for example. And the southern folk art and rockabilly cultures are totally rad.)
Or possibly embrace you like a sister?
:) Hell, I'll just indulgently quote my own blog post from 2004: 'Obviously this is the kind of dorky thing you freak out about while wearing headphones, but six minutes and ten seconds into 'Station to Station', after the first 'it's not the side effects of the cocaine' couplet, after the first 'it's too late', enters a fucking tambourine of JOY. And later on, there are handclaps. And that wacky electronic drum-fill thingy. In fact, all ten-odd minutes keep getting better and better and better until you're kind of surprised by the song ending at all.'
Thanks for reminding me that there's an upside to being old.
When is someone going to invent that concert-going time machine I've always wanted, dammit? I have such plans!
sound-tower speaker-jumping during the intro to Station to Station
I love that song *so much*, like a crazy embarrassing gushy amount, so if I expressed truthfully how much I loved it you would probably back away from me nodding and smiling and hoping I didn't go for your jugular. I am unhinged about it. He didn't (perhaps understandably) play it in 2004. I would kill to have seen it live. Unfortunately I was three for most of 1978, so my concert-going was fairly limited...
Apart from Muse of course.
Yeah, nah. I don't get them at all.
Fortunately for me, my man is not from the west coast and has never said "like, you know".
Mine is from Houston, and says 'like, you know' almost constantly (as do I). I'm not sure how this happened.
I really despise Letterman. It's just not a funny show. Not even close.
I hear from reliable sources that his old show on NBC was very funny. And at least he's not Leno, who is a reliable Sucker of Funny from any room. Blah.
I wish we got Conan. I love Conan so much.
I fully expected John Key to announce the opening of NewZealandTown at the end, it was that bad.
I was just saying, I didn't think it was as bad as it could have been. But I was expecting something *monumentally terrible* as opposed to just sort of 'awww, douchebag'.
ETA If you can't bear to watch it all, in the last 15 seconds, the band is playing 'God Defend New Zealand' and making a fair job of it. Heh.
If it is, I am in biiiiig trouble. Oh, screw it, I'm going to Hell anyway.
Do they have shoes and margaritas in hell? Because that sounds like it could be OK. I'll come with you.
ETA: Jackie, embrace the cleavage!
Rose Royce, 'Car Wash'! Erm, The Doobie Brothers, 'Long Train Runnin''. John Denver's 'Leaving on Jet Plane'. Golden Earring's 'Radar Love' (sort of). C. W. McCall's 'Convoy'.
(Oh my lord, the train and car songs. I think if you started doing all kinds of transport technology you'd be here for an immensely long time.)