Posts by Danielle
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Just hope your need for a 'tonic' isn't that undiagnosed tumour weighing you down, eh?
Hey everyone, your shipment of buzzkill has arrived!
Honestly Peter, you probably don't need to dangle the sword of cancerous irreversibly injured Damocles over everyone's heads quite so much. No one here has even made mention of avoiding their GP. (Apart from me. But I don't deal with woo medicine either: I'm always trying to put off seeing people like doctors, dentists and hairdressers. I am a wimp.)
John Snow, the man credited with founding epidemiology after he deployed statistics to trace the source of a cholera outbreak in London in 1854
ETA: OMG. What was the name of that book I read recently about that? The something City? Anyway, the first chapter was *hauntingly* horrible. The jobs people had in Victorian London! 'Oh hi, I make a living by wading through sewers collecting rags and bones to sell. Every now and then there's a gas explosion in the sewer, and I could die in a puddle of shit.'
As an aside, I think it is both hilarious and vaguely nutty that we at PAS argue heatedly about, erm, chiropractors and copyright. Where are our righteous environmentalist vegans and snarky childfree/breeder wars? Are we even *on* the internet?
At last, the marketing campaign can begin:
Physiotherapy: better than having a needle stuck in your face
That really sells it!
Glee, of all things
Oh god, have I missed the beginning of that series? FAIL.
If we treated these types of choices with the derision they deserve -- like we did with smoking and should do with obesity -- things would be much more inherently ka pai.
Hating and shaming people 'for their own good' is stupid, mean-spirited and disrespectful, and I object to it on about nine hundred different levels. It's hugely inappropriate.
(Additionally, the obese - who often do not 'choose' to be so - are shamed quite the fuck enough already, thank you very much.)
the PC brigade
Do they have uniforms? Because Hadyn could write a column about them.
'Get over it' *and* 'can't you take a joke' in one post! Win.
Oh man. That was a...
just two old guys circling each other taking weak jabs
I have been bitter about David Tua since that crappy, crappy fight against Lennox Lewis in 2000. I was at a sports bar with friends in Texas, and naturally got hassled for 'our' indifferent boxing performance. (The tequila sunrises helped a bit, though.)
But I have the belief that we are best served by analysing history through thought rather than emotion.
But no one here argued that WWII was caused by the Holocaust. The general public didn't even hear about the death camps until close to the war's end, did they?
ETA: Yes, as Deborah says, even in our early history classes in high school, we always went back to Versailles. (And crazy 1920s inflation, with German people carrying their daily wages home in wheelbarrows. That always stuck with me.)