Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: High Times,

    "One of the terms they use is 'rolling,'" Shimabukuro said. "They get Tootsie Rolls and let it stay in the sun or melt it until it's soft and pliable then they put ecstasy in the Tootsie Roll and wrap it. Even if they (officials) do cursory searches, they don't find it."
    Source: West Hawaii Today, Published in 2001

    That part's hilarious. As I understand it, "rolling" is American rave kid slang for the the squidgy, rushy, nice parts of an E experience. Nothing at all to do with Tootsie Rolls.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    So you're on board with Helens driving this circus I take it?

    No, it just struck me that your reflexive response on the matter passing to our senior non-political law official was to question his credibility. Unfairly, in my view.

    Clark's buggered her admirable STFU record, especially in broaching the napalm thing, but I don't doubt that the police have evidence that they regard as compelling that these things happened.

    I'll wait to see how it washes up in court.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Times,

    hey, he sounds alright - i sort of assumed arnie would be this unilateralist warmongering machinegun toting humvee driving cowboy governator. (although, how do you reconcile the kyoto protocol with driving a humvee?)

    I've taken to boring my friends with explanations of how I was wrong about Arnie after all. He's actually been good value as California Governor.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    Surely, Mallard's built networks over the years that could help him find a career where his 'anger' isn't encouraged and rewarded until it's politically inconvenient.

    You know, you might just be right. I can imagine him being the popular and effective head of a sports foundation or something.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Times,

    Because if you're an addict with an eating disorder - and perhaps even try not being tabloid fodder for a bit - hanging around with Kate Moss' manorexic junkie ex is the way to do it.

    Good grief.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Times,

    Really, the Independent is panicking about pot ?

    Yes, they've come over all what were we thinking?

    Rosie Boycott in the Guardian too. Trouble is, they've been working off anecdotal claims by people with an interest.

    The skunk hysteria is the weirdest part. They've convinced themselves that it's some unprecedented super-drug that's melting people's minds.

    When we lived in London in the mid-90s, the Independent on Sunday was running a campaign to legalise marijuana. They printed an excellent recipe for Chocolate Hash Afghans. They were excellent...

    I presume that to be authentic, you have to use Afghani hash?

    Many years ago, the bloke I used to see in Camden Town used to buy in big blocks of Afghani, allegedly trafficked by the mujahadeen fighting the Soviets at the time and stenciled, with winning irony, with a large hammer and sickle.

    He'd save the bits with the stencil and charge more for them.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Jeez Michael, that was an amazingly selective bit of quoting there. here's the full profile, lest anyone think the Solictor General is a bunny:

    Dr David Collins was appointed QC in 2000. He has extensive experience as a trial lawyer, both as defence counsel and since 2000 as prosecutor. This has included acting as counsel in complex trials with regular appearances in all Courts, including seven Privy Council appearances. He has specialised in health law and has appeared in relation to this and other matters.

    He is currently a member of the Wellington Crown Prosecution Panel, Chair of the ACC, Chair of the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Panel, and an Honorary Fellow of the Victoria University Law School. He was a member of the Board of Sport and Recreation New Zealand from 2002 until this year, and a trustee of the Todd Foundation from 2003 to 2005. Dr Collins was also President of the Wellington District Law Society in 2001.

    "Dr Collins is an industrious and successful barrister who has made valuable contributions to the profession through the Law Society, and also in public life. His experiences in the courts, in professional leadership and on the boards of Crown agencies are directly relevant to the Solicitor-General and Chief Executive role," Dr Cullen said.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Ironically, four media organisations are going to the High Court to try and get more court proceedings made public: in the first instance, the names of the accused -- which defence lawyers are opposing.

    The Commonwealth Press Union is also complaining about the closing of the court in Rotorua last week. I'd assumed that it was the cops doing the suppression, but the implication of the Radio NZ story seemed to be that it was the defence, so I'm not sure now.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    Didn't watch the telly tonight - can anyone confirm the Bomber & a 16yr old stripper story & that he was the one pissed at Alt TV for the racist txt?

    I think what you quoted there was the fake Bomber who's been posting to various forums. As if the guy doesn't have enough on his plate ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    Maybe the current TV campaign script should be amended:
    Because it's not right. Unless you're on rival teams (sports or politics) in which case a bit of biffo is to be expected. It's the Kiwi Way.

    And furthermore, if you pay attention to the campaign, rather than simply trying to score points off it, you will notice that it covers other forms of behaviour that would be difficult if not impossible for the police to prosecute: psychological cruelty, shouting at your kids, etc.

    The message isn't "don't do it or the cops will get you" -- it's "don't do it because it's wrong."

    Like Craig, I'm unhappy with Clark trying to spin the Mallard incident with the "lady's honour" thing. I wish she'd just left it with what he said: it was wrong to hit someone, no matter what.

    Sorry if I seem snippy, but given that's it's my ass hanging out there in the wind, I feel the need to respond.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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