Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,


    Hadn't seen that till now. Far freakin' out.

    One always wants to wait to hear what's said in court and, assuming that's an accurate depiction of proceedings, I'm now able to start forming a view. So far, it isn't good.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Cracker: Shut 'em Down,

    The intention of that video was to give my honest opinion of the National Party’s videos on YouTube. I certainly wasn’t trying to defame John Key and I regret that – at least to you – it came across that way.

    Don't worry Sarah. Damian wasn't using "defamatory" in the you'll be hearing from my lawyer sense. It was just quite a nice description.

    But Damian does have a tendency to scare people like that.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Times,

    Mind you, I once ate a roast chicken at a Westie barbeque, and that chicken had attended a previous party that day, so who am I to talk? I forgot the Westie rule of food hygeine, never eat a chicken that has been to more parties than you that day.

    I just hope James Griffin's reading. There's the germ of an Outrageous Fortune storyline in that, for sure.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Times,

    Oh the humanity! Imagine knowing that some kids at your school had grown and smoked "the leaf".

    That story's quite weird. It's hard to tell but there's no reference to them having had any pot bar the six little seedlings they got caught with. In which case, they were hardly in a position to supply themselves, let alone their schoolmates.

    Still, let's not let that stop the grown-ups having a full-blown fit over it ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Times,

    __Please note that the NOS in cars is not suitable for human consumption, it contains additives that make it very dangerous. It is also explosive in the wrong circumstances.__

    Actually, The Lab, the NOS "lounge" in Christchurch, sources its gas by virtue of a drag racing licence (and then sells it for $6 a balloon), so I'm not sure if that's always true. But if in doubt ...

    You're just saying that so you can keep all the good stuff for yerself, eh MikeE? I'm off to Repco right now to get some -- and if I die it's all PAS's fault (esp RB's).


    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    I missed it, but Horomia put out quite a good press release yesterday:

    Māori Affairs Minister Parekura Horomia has reiterated the need for cool heads to prevail over the police raids, saying he’s disappointed with the irresponsible statements being made by some politicians.

    Mr Horomia said he was annoyed the Māori Party was trying to link the raids to the government and were suggesting it was some type of government conspiracy.

    “The police acted independently and we do not direct them on operational matters. It would be a dangerous state of affairs if politicians were able to tell the police who to arrest and who not to – and the Māori Party would be the first to jump up and down if that were the case.”

    “I’ve repeatedly said that if the police have over-reacted, they will be held accountable to the public. But until all the evidence is presented, none of us is able to judge.”

    “I’m concerned that the Māori Party is rushing to judgement. They are playing the race card and tapping into hurts from the past. Those hurts from the past are real and they have to be acknowledged. But they shouldn’t be exploited and that is what the Māori Party has done,” Mr Horomia said.

    “The party’s statement that “we reject the branding of tangata whenua as terrorists” is ridiculous. No one is branding all tangata whenua as terrorists – except perhaps perversely the Māori Party, which seems determined to imprint the notion in the minds of our rangatahi.”

    It was reported by precisely no one ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Times,

    Ha! Once, a friend of mine took some coke and finally had the motivation/energy to erect some flatpack shelves that had been sitting around for months.

    That reminds me of the 'Positive P Stories' phone-in the Back of the Y guys ran on bFM Drive once (they just took down the details and read them out, rather than putting people to air, which was probably wise).

    Some guy reckoned he'd done his best work of house painting ever.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    let alone Clark and Peters' apparent line that if you have any questions about these so-called terror-raids you're some terrorist-cuddling May-owri radical who wants to turn New Zealand into a racist hellhole.

    Sorry, I missed the report where Clark said that. In fact, she said nothing of the kind.

    Especially when the latest Herald-Digipoll on the same page as the story you've quoted, might well suggest Labour and NZ First have good reason to engage in a little cynical politicking of their own.

    I had to chuckle at the interview with Tariana (presumably recorded last week, before the AGM) on Mana News yesterday, in which she explained that her party only had an 1100-vote majority to overhaul to roll Parekura Horomia and claim an additional seat.

    I remain of the view that that's the real reason the AGM statement accused Horomia of failing his people and called for his resignation. I don't think even they seriously believe he was in a position to reverse the police operation.

    But seriously Craig: do you really believe the Maori Party's written claim that the police operation is an attack directed by the Labour government against all Maori? Don't you find that even a little bit crazy?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    And whatever elase Henare may have done - he has accepted the apology, said that's the end of it, and has made no further complaint.

    Although he has pointedly refused to apologise for his own conduct ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Times,

    Although the tampon thing is terribly bogus, I do know someone who inserted an E anally just to see if you came up faster.

    I'm told it's true. Never been moved to try it myself.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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