Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    The sounds could be dark and mysterious, and a bit now, just some beats maybe.

    Absolutely. I've often thought that some ominous dub would make for a great lead-up to a big test-match.

    Worst audio experience at a rugby ground: when the clowns at North Harbour Stadium ran the sound from the fucking TV ads they were playing on their big screen through the new speaker system they'd installed -- at absolutely deafening volume, right over our heads.

    I wrote an angry letter and got a nice reply back from Doug Rollerson.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    Again, I am probably a hippy and you can all mock and scorn me, but in some ways I feel that someone who spends the time to publicly say they're 'amused' when the ABs lose is kind of indirectly being mean to my nice old Grandad.

    I've got a Grandad thing back there too. My grandfather, Jack Saulbrey, played and coached for the Hutt rugby club for years. I have a framed picture of him in the 1934 Hutt Senior A team, which won the A. McBain Memorial Shield that year.

    His son, John, played for Horowhenua, and his grandson, Luke, received his letter to attend the New Zealand Rugby Academy on the day he came home from hospital to recover from a spinal injury that ended his playing career.

    When Jack happened to be in town and saw me play a good one, I was very proud.

    And I'd say more about the two big boxes of almanacs and game programmes going back to the 1920s that my parents threw out after he died in 1985 (and before I could call and tell them not to), but I'm still trying to get over that ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    Russell, you may be interested to know that Mr Hicks is in fact a C&R candidate. I note he hasn't declared it in his comments.

    And I feel bound to note that his posts bear out everything I've been saying about this year's C&R.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    Indeed it was, and apt it is too. Every time I see Symond's bat I'm surprised he's not holding a can of XXXX in one hand as he runs between the wickets.

    Why do I find that image so incredibly easy to picture?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    Russel of course I can - its patently obvious. If the council takes high rates of homeowners courtesy of house price infalation that their ridiculous policies and tose of their bedpals in Wgtn have caused and then distributes it as low rent housing and rates rebates then that is exactly what they are doing.

    Auckland City sold its rental housing stock to the government.

    Rates rebates are available only to people low incomes to a maximum of $500 for people on incomes of less than $20,000 pa -- which generally means little old ladies in properties they've owned for a long time.

    But they're not offered by the council, but central government, via Internal Affairs and have been since 1973. So forgive me if I continue to think your argument doesn't make sense.

    Cynically buying votes at the expense of the future generations and the future of this country - short term gain for long term pain.

    Um, and you're going to vote for C&R, which let Auckland infrastructure run down for decades so it could campaign on freezing the rates?

    Why else did City Vision vote for rates hikes and C&R was the only group to vote against them? don't tell me it was just another in a long line of 'one off" levies to pay for "infrastrucutre".

    Nothing I've read has told me anything about how C&R is going to cut costs enough to significantly cut rates, or even do much to hold increases. Their candidates all say something different. Aaron Bhatnagar slams the Hero parade as an example of wasteful spending, while C&R Western Bays candidates say they'd bring the Hero Parade back like a shot and that anyone who says different is a fuddy-duddy.

    Can you see why I can't take these people very seriously?

    I'm not over the moon with the current council's performance and in particular with the "charitable payments" dodge with Metrowater. I even considered voting for a C&R candidate. And then I got their campaign material and I thought, why would I vote for this?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    Meanwhile, the fuckup I noted in the original postis developing into a full-blown palaver ...

    Thorburn told Radio Sport yesterday there had been a meeting between coaches, referees and touch judges in September to clarify roles - and touch judges were told to focus only on their primary role of keeping touch.

    Thorburn, a former North Harbour coach, said the pre-tournament directive said touch judges should focus foremost on touch, foul play and kicks at the goal.
    It was reiterated verbally they would not be able to interfere on issues of forward passes, offside and crooked lineout throws.

    O'Brien told the radio station today Thorburn had misinformed the public of New Zealand.

    "Touch judges were told to call clear and obvious infringements.

    "If they call offside, we want the referee to act on that call."

    What the IRB didn't want were marginal calls called because that put confusion into the referees' minds.

    "I think it's very mischievous of Peter. I am very disappointed that he has basically, in my view, lied to the public of New Zealand."

    Thorburn, who took exception to being called a "liar", told the station later he stood by his version of events at the September meeting.

    There was a bit of "scurrying for cover", he said.

    The touch judges' secondary role as described by O'Brien was not stated in the list of directives Thorburn had.

    "They threw him (Wayne Barnes) in out of his depth and now they are trying to step back and direct their venom at other people rather than accept the responsibility," Thorburn said.

    I find the line about "putting confusion in referees' minds" quite bizarre. The mark of a confident referee is that he will listen to a touch judge and if he disagrees, simply say so and carry on.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    Reported by a mate on a rugby mailing list I'm on:

    Susan was out walking the dog on Sunday afternoon. She was approaching a couple of young teenage girls dressed in young teenage clothing with the painted toe nails and the makeup etc... As she got closer she overheard one of them saying to the other, “...and he’d only reffed a couple of test matches! What the hell was he doing in charge of that game?!” Susan knew instantly that scene could only happen in New Zealand.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    So not only did we lose we lost due to admisitrative issues overseen by a NZer, who incidentally denied Fiji in a much more faulty refereeing performance a few years back.

    Yep. Tragic, innit?

    Loved Steve Williams, Tiger Woods' caddy speaking on Morning REport this morning. He was asked about the AB performance as someone who knows a bit about performance under pressure.

    his comment was the "very very very best of teams have the ability to play their best when it means the most" and "the second half was the true examination of what that team was about and they failed miserably."

    He was highly peed off. He did not think a big welcome home was deserved.

    Heard it. But until he has the nerve to say the same about Michael Campbell, I reserve the right to regard that interview as just a bit glib.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    i did one this very morning, when the guy at the cart got my expresso out in double-quick time.

    How good does the coffee have to be before you'll haul out Kapa o Pango?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    Of course accusations of covert influence are a classic slander against Jews, whereas with the Brethren it appears to be an established fact...

    And I think alleging that anyone is "waging war" against the Brethren is overstating the case just a wee bit, for goodness sake ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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