Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    So it doesn't count if someone says "My partner beats me when we lose at the rugby" because that's just an anecdote?

    No, it just means that no one has done the statistics to bear it out as a general claim. I've actually seen a claim that the opposite is true: ie, that domestic violence is worse when the All Blacks win.

    There's a blog post here about it which notes that similar claims around Super Bowl losses in the US weren't borne out by scrutiny. On the other hand, a Welsh study (which I can't find) apparently bore out the connection between sporting losses and male domestic violence.

    So ... I don't know.

    Sort of on-topic, check out this post on the blog of the Mild Greens' Christchurch mayoral candidate accusing me of selling out for appearing in the family violence ads. Apparently it hasn't done my "credibility" any good.

    The post is by one of his mates, but the candidate himself, Blair Anderson, has added a note declaring that reporting family violence is -- wait for it -- "narcing up".

    What. The. Fuck?

    (I responded yesterday, but my reply seems to still be awaiting approval)

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    While it certainly seems _plausible_ that there _could_ be an increase in domestic violence, this article seems to be based on reporting at about the level of "I heard this thingy one time". Why can't they give numbers? Maybe with a measure of statistical significance?

    I've seen claims made either way on this issue, and I still can't really get to the bottom of it. There has not, so far as I'm aware, been a statistical study in New Zealand, so all the evidence is anecdotal.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    That most 'manly' of sports. Aren't the crew all New Zealanders? I don't follow the America's Cup either. I laughed my ass off that time the random Maori sovereignty dude broke into the case and gave it the bash in the 90s. God, I am a traitor!

    Actually, "random Maori sovereignty dude" captures the flavour of that event better than any description I've previously heard.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • 180 Seconds with Craig Ranapia: Numbnuts…,

    In which North Shore resident Craig looks at his voting forms and loses faith in local democracy.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's the recrimination I don't…,

    Yes, I am a stinking hippy. Feel free to mock and scorn me.

    Not at all. It made me feel better after reading Yamis's Murray Deaker story. What a fuckwit. Please, someone get him off air.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's the recrimination I don't…,

    He’d reffed more than one match Kyle (inc. 3 Pac Rim tests this year and our opening romp v Italy.
    Don’t be misled by that’s on his wiki page….

    I noted that a couple of times further up the thread (info from Wikipedia).

    But I don't really regard three matches in a second-tier tournament involving Fiji, Japan, Samoa, Tonga and the Junior All Blacks (the Pacific nations being without almost all their European club players for the games) as qualification for the job.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Fish,

    dyan: you did exactly what I just did above.
    If you leave the "http://" off the URL, it gets autocompleted as being within the site. Which, strangely enough, tends not to work too well.

    What s/he said. I've fixed the original link.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's the recrimination I don't…,

    Okay, it gets worse ...

    New revelations regarding the role of touch judges at the Rugby World Cup. Many have questioned why no-one stepped in from the sideline to point out a forward pass leading up to Yannick Jauzion's try in the French quarter-final defeat of the All Blacks.

    But United States coach Peter Thorburn said there was a meeting between coaches, referees and touch judges in early September to clarify such roles.

    Thorburn said the pre-tournament directive said touch judges should focus foremost on touch, foul play and kicks at the goal.

    He added it was reiterated verbally they would not be able to interfere on issues of forward passes, offside and crooked lineout throws.

    Thorburn said it was a major IRB blunder appointing the inexperienced 28 year-old Wayne Barnes as referee for such a crucial match.

    This is a huge fuckup.

    Tragically, it would seem to be our man Paddy in the gun ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's the recrimination I don't…,

    I'm still giggling over Giant Rugby Ball HQ video. Those inside must have felt like real wallies. Any passing French person would have thought "We won! Let's go over to the giant rugby ball that has New Zealand emblazoned in large letters over it and taunt the Kiwis!" Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. You have to laugh.

    I'm trying to get an interview with Mike Hodgson and Bruce Ferguson for the radio show this week. It doesn't sound like they had a bad night though ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's the recrimination I don't…,

    Christ, you do need to be Einstein after all to understand this game.

    Yes, it's a lovely take on relativity isn't it?

    I'm sure that the fateful pass doesn't fall under that principle though. The French player who took the pass was in front of the tackled player, which is why he made so much ground.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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