Posts by Danielle
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I played Beatles: Rock Band last night. It's pretty cool if you like that sort of thing.
I can hardly wait until tomorrow! Squeeee!
Ron Artest.
Don't underestimate the massive social pressure just to have kids
Yes. This. I wish it would stop. Forlorn hope.
Thank you for the reassurances and stuff, everyone. (I kinda wish statistics worked the way Ben suggested. Still, que sera sera and all that.)
Oh, Katie, I haven't seen that one before and I love it!
(I must collect all these bingo cards for posterity in a folder somewhere.)
I was wondering about developments with you the other day, B Jones! Well done on the sprogging. :)
They hurt animals.
And the sadistic rat bastard was immediately rehired! (Although yes, I think people should serve their time and get another chance and yadda, this issue is particularly galling to me, because of my deep and abiding love for our canine friends.)
NBA basketballers and their treatment of women doesn't have a particularly good reputation.
I have always (cruelly and unfairly, I admit) mocked Kobe for buying his fiancee's engagement ring from Sears. And that's the least of his issues, obvs.
Waitakere City gives all residents free car seats for their kids
I thought the car seats were courtesy of the dreaded liquor licensing trust? Or does the council pony up as well?
:) This might be old news, but congrats Danielle.
Thank you. :) It's reasonably new news actually, and the genetics stuff in this thread has now encouraged my usual 'OMG I'm 34' worrying streak to broaden its scope to 'OMG my husband is 38'. So... thanks, everyone? Because I wasn't panicking enough already, or anything. Heh.
breakfast burritos
Mmmmm. Breakfast burritos. With awesome sausage.
... sorry, what were you all saying?
Or it might actually be as Peter described it It was a reasonable observation, made in good faith, and hardly at odds with women being aware of their choices.
Russell, I really don't like holding other people's babies at all, and I'm *pregnant*. (I might break the little homeslice!) I think it's pretty damn presumptuous to assume that there were biological clocks ticking all over the place in that room. Unless someone says 'oh hey, my biological clock is kicking my ass right now!', you just don't know.
Ben, I'm very sorry about what happened to you and your partner. Truly.
The sound of ticking body clocks was deafening in that room along with the strain of them not being listened to.
Or... they could dislike holding babies. Some people do, you know. They could actually not want children. Some people don't, you know. Etc.
Yeah, no one should ever love someone old, bald or fat. Because that's disgusting. (I know that's not the point you were making, but I find the casual conflation of all those things depressing.)
people are reading my comments in light of comments posted by people who are. not. me.
I would like to make it clear to you, Morgan, that I found your post discretely annoying for two distinct reasons: snark about 'the patriarchy' and 'but it's BIOLOGY!' Now, you probably are indeed, as Robyn says, a laissez-faire awesome dude. But that post did not help to cement that impression.
Women are still mostly having their babies in their 20s and early 30s, FFS. And many are trying to achieve some kind of financial and relationship stability first
Exactly. The current median age at first pregnancy in New Zealand is something like 28, and the average age is 30. Most women understand 'BIOLOGY!' perfectly well. It's a bit rich to expect women to be financially stable at 24 or something, when they've barely been in employment, *and* to have found some willing dude to sprog with (it generally takes two, gentlemen).
On another statistical note: a pregnant woman of forty will take longer to get pregnant (on average), have a higher risk of early miscarriage and a higher risk of the kidlet having Downs syndrome or another trisomy thing. Yet her chances of delivering a healthy child are still pretty high - the stats are still on her side. So it's really up to her to weigh up all those different risks and options. Which is really all we were saying in the first place.