Posts by Danielle
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It's not a case of replacing the search functionality on your website, it is a case of replacing a piece of workflow software shared by your entire organisation
Actually, despite my being the Yappy Little Dog of Hating the MLIS More Than Anyone Has Ever Hated Anything, that's a good point. The catalogue is just the front end of a multi-faceted system that goes back into lots of different departments - acquisitions, cataloguing, circulation, blah blah blah, and is used by everyone all the time.
But .... why?
Fuck only knows. There's probably some interminably long and boring article about it in a mind-numbing LIS journal somewhere, because That's What Librarians Do. Any systems librarians want to pipe up on this one?
Endnote sucks, though. Zotero is much better.
Is this particularly user-hostile, or am I missing something?
A lot of catalogues are like that. In fact, one of my library jobs included going through links on course pages and running them through a little programme which removed the expiry stuff, so you could link to items permanently.
They also should have removed the time travelling scenes.One minute it is the seventies and then it is not. This was done so much better in Back To The Future II.
That has made my day, even if they are taking the piss. I like this, from another review: ' I had the feeling the film was repeating itself constantly with past and present.' Um, yes. Way to miss the point there, sport...
The Beatles are terrible. Some good jingles for sure, but listen to songs when they try to harmonize! It really is pure rubbish.
In my opinion, The Beetles were the Spice Girls of the 60s. Mindless twaddle with no point or meaning to their existence.
These people are *legion* on the internet. There are an amazing number of them. But I don't care, because I am about to happily join in the great frenzy which will make Paul, Ringo, Yoko and Olivia richer than God.
Are they like those creepy flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz?
communes on Crown land
At least one of those Ohu was on dodgily confiscated Maori land, I discovered recently. Kind of a bummer.
when "I Like That One 2" was a vital resource
I have told my American husband about this show. He was clearly incredulous but tried valiantly to look calm and accepting. Heh.
the Osmonds' "Crazy Horses"
That song is a hot mess, but in a wonderful way. I laugh out loud whenever I hear it.
I am in love with This Week in TV History already.
the black stabiliser cuff on the bottom
I had forgotten that those existed! Wow...