Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: Connecting the Box,

    BTW, just procrastinating my way through a few MP3 blogs. They're almost all featuring the Radiohead release news, with the choose-your-own-price graphic. So the "getting a buzz" part would seem to be working ...

    Oh, while fans wait for the album to drop, here's a list of live versions of nearly all the album tracks available via Hype Machine. That's clever and cool.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Connecting the Box,

    OK, Russell, time to answer the hard question: Do Freeview boxes have a special chip to make breakfast television less humiliating for everyone concerned? Hate to say this, but at least the Aussies can treat you like a moron with some style...

    Sorry, but you have to do it manually: ie, don't watch it. I never even watched when they were paying me to be on it ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ten Times Warmer,

    Hersh is either working for the Cheney team or lives in a land of make-believe.

    He's generally been on the money. He reported years ago that Saddam had offered, via the Egytptians, to vacate Iraq before the invasion -- which was confirmed this month.

    It’s hard to get a handle on how reliable his anonymous “former intelligence” sources are, if they do exist.

    Are you seriously suggesting that Hersh fabricates sources?

    But if they aren’t just making things up to sound important once again then they must be being fed info Cheney wants spread about. The only reason for that is to make Iran believe that military action is a very real possibility (so they don't see it as mere bluff and decide to continue their nuclear weapons programme).
    So articles like Hersh’s play that sort of role.

    In which case, why would Hersh's story say that an attack wouldn't be aimed at Iran's nuclear facilities? Thats a very tenuous theory Neil: is it not more likely that the Iran project is the talk of the town and, like quite a few others, Hersh is simply reporting what's going on?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Connecting the Box,

    Wait, Russell - are you saying the terrestrial Freeview box will only have HDMI as the HD output? Not HD component as well (like the Apple TV)?

    Hard to tell, but it looks like the copyright owners will insist that the only actual HD output available on either Sky or Freeview boxes will be HDMI.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ten Times Warmer,

    Be keen to hear other people's forecasts/wishlists...

    One thing that's a bit of a problem with the BDO is that the lineup is always contingent on Australian tastes -- which means very little reggae. I'd dearly love to see Damian Marley play again -- his St James show last year was sheer magic.

    I'm also hoping for a good house act in the tent. Simon has turned me onto Carl Craig and that would be good.

    M.I.A. might be a good bet -- she did the Aussie shows in 2006 but not here.

    Patti Smith? No, she's playing the Metropolitan Museum of Art that day ...

    As ever, I'm dreaming of the Flaming Lips coming back ... They are touring at the moment but it looks like they'll be getting ready to premiere their movie early next year.

    And I'll take a big punt now and say that Simian Mobile Disco will also appear in the tent.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ten Times Warmer,

    Quite a range of opinions on the BDO lineup at The Herald's Your Views. I can't quite understand why some people seem to be so angry ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ten Times Warmer,

    Peter W. Galbraith goes into detail about how the invasion of Iraq has been a strategic gain for Iran.

    As usual, Galbraith is superb. The day's other required reading.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ten Times Warmer,

    The war in Iraq is already a proxy war on Iran because of the Shia connections - real and imagined and that is patently not working.

    The story also touches on what the Bush Cultists happily refer to as "the miracle of Anbar" -- wherein the Americans have solved the al Qaeda problem by giving weapons to the former Sunni insurgents (ie: the people they went to Iraq to knock out in the first place), making the Shia leadership (ie: the elected government they keep trumpeting) understandably nervous. They're effectively arming and attacking both sides.

    Meanwhile, a BBC-ABC poll in Anbar asked the locals whether attacks on coalition forces were "acceptable". Number of respondents replying in the affirmative: 100%

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ten Times Warmer,

    Here's a fascinating glimpse into what the current neo-conservative viewpoint is on the prospects of an attack on Iran - presumably this way of thinking has at least some currency within the administration.

    Wow. That's optimism to the point of certifiable insanity:

    Let's look downstream the day after and observe how the world has changed.

    First and foremost, there's this prospective fait accompli -- and it changes everything. The Iranians are no longer a nuclear threat, and won't be again for at least another decade, and even that assumes the strategic and diplomatic situation reverts to the status quo ante and they'll just be able to pick up and rebuild as they would after an earthquake. Not possible.

    Next, the Iranians would do nothing -- bupkes. They don't attack Israel, they don't choke off the world's oil supply, they do not send hit squads to the United States, there is no "war" in the conventional sense of attack counterattack. Iran already has its hands full without inviting more trouble. Its leaders would be reeling from the initial US attack and they would know our forces are in position to strike again if Iran provokes us or our allies. They would stand before mankind with their pants around their ankles, dazed, bleeding, crying, reduced to bloviating from mosques in Teheran and pounding their fists on desks at the UN. The lifelines they throw to the Iraqi insurgents, Hezbollah and Syria would begin to dry up, as would the lifelines the double-dealing Europeans have been throwing to Iran. Maybe the Mullahs would lose control.

    It's not like anything could go wrong, is it? You'd think these people might have become more realistic, but apparently not.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ten Times Warmer,

    Have to say I just don't get LCD Soundsystem. What's to like?

    'All My Friends'? Or, more particularly, the mighty cover of it they got John Cale(!) to record for the single?

    I presume they'll be playing in the tent, so there'll be loadsa techno fun to be had.

    OTOH, I've never got Radiohead, so what would I know?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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